Chapter Five: Perdidos

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Awareness comes to me in bits. The first thing that alerts me I'm still alive is the disgusting taste of charcoal and leaves in my mouth the second is the soft voices speaking around me.

"He still looks drained mom are you sure he's getting better?" A boy above me whimpers. Like actually whimpers. I slowly open my eyes to a fair haired beauty hovering over me.

"Where am I?" I ask. The woman shakes her head but looks happy that Im awake. "Your safe don't worry, your companion already did all that for you." She waves her hand in the air as if to push my question away. "You touched a branch of Gishley dummy don't you know better?" She tuts, but her tone doesn't sound angry just exasperated. The small child speaking earlier rushes out in a flash after seeing I'm conscious.

"Gishley?" I murmur. Surveying the people around me I take notice of a flash of sharp over and under canines in the girls soft smile.

So that whole vampire magic hellhound thing wasn't a fever dream then. I huff, I don't know why I still hold any hope I'll wake up from this nightmare.

"Where is Angelo?" I ask sitting up. The girl frowns deep "Sir grumpiness?" She rolls her eyes. "He's over in the other cabin waiting for you to wake up. I'm pretty sure someones trying to force some food in him right now. That boy hasn't rested easy since he dragged you to us half ragged himself." The blonde shakes her head in disapproval.

I raise a questioning eyebrow at the words 'half ragged'. The woman takes notice and explains. "You know you ought to be more careful when you have a bond like that right? I'm sure you didn't grab the Gishley on purpose, what witch would? But your little blunder crippled you and your blood buddy. He kept himself upright long enough to help Angel drag you to safety but then pretty much collapsed right after. His vampyness recovered faster though. After we gave you some of this GoreElm." She grabs a fistful of bright yellow leaves and shoves them under my nose hastily. I gag at the sharp smell of charcoal entering my nostrils and shiver. Well that explains that.

"You shouldn't get up too fast though that stuff is fatal to anything that wields magic your lucky you got to us so fast." Another woman says with a furrowed brow. She has jagged scars across both eyes and various other places on her body, thick brows and short dark hair. "Alpha Helena." The blonde one stands at attention and blushes. Said woman smiles slightly and nods her acknowledgment, a slight blush also present on her face. "At ease." she says.

"Whats Gishley?" I ask. The two stop starring deeply into each others eyes long enough to give me a funny look. "Was that a joke?" Alpha Helena scoffs. "No?" I counter confused. "Im a bit new to all of this. And by new I mean I found out magic was real like today. Or yesterday.." I frown. "I guess I don't actually know how long I was out for." The two continue to stare at me as if I've grown a second head. Which I'm guessing would have been less shocking to them than saying what I just said. The supernatural tends to be very dramatic from what I can tell.

"Gishley is a purple leafed bush plant. Do you remember coming across something like that?" Helena asks, though she still sounds disbelieving. I think back to my moment on the run when I grabbed a random branch with purple leaves to wrap my blood drenched shirt on and groan. This really was all my fault and I dragged Angelo down with me. I should probably apologize to Angel too for whatever hell the vampire put him through when he still thought I was poisoned. "Yes" I hiss through clenched teeth. "I think I've learned my lesson though." I place my cold palm to my aching head.

Helena snorts " I sure hope so, you're lucky my pack has such a gifted healer you might not be so lucky the next time." She sends the blonde woman a significant look. She flushes all over again "It was really nothing I didn't even put together anything, just gave him raw antidote." The brunette laughs in a guffawing way. "Non sense Lucia how many werewolves know anything about witches health?" Lucia turns around bashful but her ears are still a bright red. "Well its my job as pack medic we never know who might swear in, it's best to know how to care for everyone." She huffs while busying herself organizing supplies, clearly avoiding Helenas eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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