Broken Emotions (Saruhiko Fushimi oneshot)

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The sky was black, lightening all around. The rain had yet to come, but it would. I ran through the alley of a part of the city I have never been to. I turned left then right then left again. My lungs burn, but I couldn't stop so I continued to run. Continued to breath in the dry staticky air of the oncoming storm.

I heard a voice and stopped looking ahead to see a long dark shadow stretch from the light being cast. I ducked behind a garbage bin and prayed I wasn't heard.

Two men, clean cut dressed in blue, walked down the alley and stopped, back facing the bin I took coverage behind. I held my breath, waiting for them to move on but they just stayed there, listening.

I waited long enough, I couldn't take the silence anymore. I took a deep breath put my legs up against the back of the bin and pushed. The bin rolled taking out one of the men in blue uniform.

I got up and ran, turning the corner quickly hearing the second man coming up behind. Trying to loose him I turned again, then again but in the process I ran to a dead end. Stopping I stared wide eyed at the large brick wall blocking my way.

"Well, well, look what we have here, cornered with no where to go huh Taya?" I let out my breath I hadn't realized I was holding and turned around to face the man. "You surprise me," he went on "you're usually so caref-"

"Dont," I say almost to quiet to hear.

"Hmmm?" I could just imagine the cocky smirk plastered o his face, it makes me sick. The thought of my anger giving him pleasure.

"Don't speak like you know me because you don't,"

"Is that so?" He said and I could hear his amusement as he watched my anger turn to power as I began to glow red and unleash my greatest weapon. "That's where you're wrong Taya, I know you better then you or any of your little thug friends do, especially our dear friend Misaki,"

"Don't," this time I was yelling, he pushed me over the edge and he knew it. This was what he wanted. For me to get angry, he wanted to fight me and now he would get it. "Don't act like you mean anything to us. Don't act like we are still friends, and don't ever call him that, ever!" I paused to take a breath and saw the smirk on his face and lost it. I charged at him. He smiled and drew his sword.

We where equally matched, blocking each others blow. Neither could get a hit in against the other, him with his sword and me with my bear hands and my fire.

The whole fight he smiled, he didn't care if he won, he was messing with me. This fight would be no different then when we were children and it pissed me off. I was pissed at his smile, his fighting style and the fact that I couldn't get a hit in.

I grabbed his sword mid swing and held it. Watching the metal heat up. Then I grabbed his hand and did the same. Pulling him close I hissed looking him in the eye.

"One day I will beat you and I will burn you. I will cut you down for ever hurting us, you understand Saruhiko? I will leave you nothing to smirk about." He lost his smile for a second, and only a second. For it returned and he counter attacked.

Dropping down he kicked my legs out from under me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, pinning me to the alley wall. He pulled his sword against my cheek and pressed it until it bled and as the blood ran down my cheek he pushed his lips against mine and pulled away, saying three words with a smirk bigger then I have ever seen.

"I can't wait." And with that he was gone.

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