Character Information

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Name: Boston Harrison Witwicky

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Name: Boston Harrison Witwicky

Details: Has green eyes, and like having a custom dyed hair, which consists of purple end tips, and a cyan second layered, his usual wear is a normal purple turtle neck t-shirt withh a white leather jacket, with grey leggings and a purple and black boots.

Bio: Boston is different like his brother, he loved technology and had a thing for art and music he usually just teases and jokes with his brother but gets annoyed when Sam does something that stupid or does something he wasn't suppose to, Bos usually gets these weird visions and dreams of a different world as a weird robot person, once he is snapped out of this trance or dream he doesn't remember it even if he tries to.

{The one that meets their eyes.}[Transformers Autobot's x Male OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang