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  Adira Keket thought that she finally found the one. Her other half, her person, her safe haven, her soulmate.

  The one person that kept her sane in that hellhole, that wiped her tears when no one was looking. The one that she shared endless nights with talking about everything and nothing until it was time to go back to their assigned rooms. The one that she kept dreaming of starting a life with, the one that gave meaning to meaningless things they were told about.

  The one that gave her hope that they'll escape and live the rest of their lives together in peace, because they have a place in this world with each other. Gave her hope that one day, after years of darkness, the sun will rise again.

  The one person that the universe intended her to be with, it was written in the stars.

  But even stars fizzle out and die, and all of the hopes and dreams that came with it turns into nothing more than whispers carried away by the wind. The once meaningful things in life go back to being meaningless, only now accompanied by a bittersweet feeling.

  The one person that vowed to never hurt her for as long as she lives, left her for dead after shooting her.

  Ironic huh.

  Adira didn't die, no, she unfortunately survived but all the color disappeared, leaving her to look at the world through black and white lenses.

  Her mind was racing as she stumbled through the burning collapsing building, leaving bloody-smeared handprints in her wake.

  She was tired. Mentally, physically, and emotionally tired. In all honesty she just wanted to die, but she ain't the type of person to give up just because the love of her life 'killed' her.

  No because the universe must've had something in mind to have kept her alive and kicking, barely.

  She made sure to avoid tripping over the countless bodies they left. She awkwardly kneeled down to the best of her ability and grabbed a pistol off of one of the bodies, she felt naked without one and her personal styled one was missing, she checked the clip making sure it was full, stood up, holstered it, and continued moving forward.

  She needed to move quickly towards an exit before the building collapsed with her in it. She had the whole building layout memorized but the sound of the alarm blaring all around had her thoughts all scattered, ears ringing, and head hurting.

  After what felt like hours but were only mere minutes she finally had the exit in her sights, but the lack of blood chose to make itself known as black dots started to swarm her vision, making her lightheaded, and she ended up harshly slamming into the wall to her right. She bit back a scream and fell onto her knees with her head hung, heaving with pain.

Fucking shit.

  She sat there for a minute blinking the dots away and regaining control of her breathing.

  She looks up and around, focusing her vision on the exit that's only a few feet away. Pain flared up all around as she forced herself to stand upright and made her way towards it slowly.

I need a bath and a bottle of vodka. Maybe 2.

  The smoke in the air made her eyes sting as she finally walked through the shattered glass door leading outside. Her heart beating in her ears as she coughs and coughs, struggling to take a breath of air, body aching from head to toe.

  As she staggers through the snow, a few feet away from the building, she winces in pain as her throat feels like it's on fire. Her body screams in pain as she lifts a shaky hand up to try to stop the bleeding, though it's not very helpful.

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