Coming out

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As Anne, Marcy and Sasha sat in the backseat of The Boonchuy car, Anne had started to think it over and realized, her parents would understand if she came out, it made Anne feel a bit less stressed out but it was still something big,

Mr Boonchuy: Okay we're here,

Those words made Anne freeze for a bit, while Marcy's and Sasha unbuckled their seatbelts Anne just sat there, like a statue

Marcy: Hey Anne

Marcy placed her hand on Anne's shoulder and shook her lightly

Anne: huh, oh yeah coming

Marcy: Wait, are you sure you want to do this?

Anne: Y-yeah I'm just a bit nervous, and If it's okay, I'd like for us to wait on telling my parents about us I kn-

Marcy then hugged Anne, wrapping herself around her

Marcy: Of course Anne, I understand and I'm pretty sure Sasha will too

Anne: thanks Marcy..

Sasha: Yo nerds lets go

Anne smiled unbuckled her seatbelt, got out of the car, closed the door and started to walk, she saw Marcy whispering something to Sasha, when Marcy was done Sasha turned to Anne, Smiled and gave her a thumbs up which made Anne feel relieved

Mr Boonchuy: Cmon guys

Mr Boonchuy went inside first then Anne then Marcy and finally Ended with Sasha closing the door

Mrs Boonchuy: Oh hey ann- Oh hey Marcy and Sasha

Marcy: Hi Mrs boonchuy

Sasha: Hey Mrs b

Anne: Hey mom, could you and dad come meet me in the living room

Mrs boonchuy: Okay but if you accidentally forgot to pay for something again, I won't be the one paying

Anne chuckled

Anne: No no it's something else

While Mrs Boonchuy walked to sit down next to Mr Boonchuy who was already there Anne stood in front of the Tv with Marcy and Sasha off to the side

Anne: *sigh* So as you guys know, In Amphiba I had a lot of time to think..

Anne looked down and Began to over think, what if they want me to marry a man? What if they connect the dots and think I'm trying to say I'm dating Sasha and Marcy? What if they think this and that

Anne then moved her head a bit up and saw Sasha and Marcy giving her a thumbs up

Anne: A-and um, I've had time to think about Myself and um...

Anne kept thinking what if and that but she said fuck it

Anne: I'm a lesbian...I um really hope you both still see me as your dau-

Mrs Boonchuy then got up and hugged Anne tightly

Mrs Boonchuy: Oh Anne...of course we'll still think of you as our daughter

Mr Boonchuy then got up too and hugged Anne to

Mr Boonchuy: We're sorry if we ever made you think we wouldn't approve, We'll support you not matter what you choose to identify as

Anne started to crying softly as her parents held her, Marcy was smiling off to the side but Sasha couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, seeing parents support their child, unconditionally, Sasha didn't want to ruin the mood so she decided to walk out to their backyard and sit down on Anne's back porch

Sasha: *sigh* When is it my turn....

Marcy didn't notice till she looked back and saw Sasha wasn't next to her, Marcy looked around and Finally saw Sasha in the backyard

Marcy: Hey um, Sasha could I join you

Sasha: Hm?, oh sure

Marcy: Are you...okay?

Sasha: hmm, I guess

Marcy: Sasha, what's wrong?

Sasha: It's nothing, we should go back to An-

Marcy: Sash,

Marcy then placed both of her hands on Sasha's

Marcy: You matter too, if you're comfortable telling me what's wrong please do

Sasha: *sigh* I don't know I guess, I guess I just got Jealous of how supportive Anne's parents are, Kinda envy her for that

Marcy's eyes lit up hearing that, Her and Sasha never had a good friendship but now they could fix that, by talking

Marcy: If I'm going to be honest, I was to for a while

Sasha: Huh, really?

Marcy: *chuckles* Yeah, I thought it was cool her parents were so open about everything, But soon I had to realize, Instead of being envious, I realized stuff MY parents did that Anne's didn't, All parents have pros and cons, some have more cons then pros and some are just Cons but I started looking at the pros of my parents and it helped me, I don't know how much it'll help you but

Marcy then looked over at Sasha who was staring at Marcy

Marcy: Um, S-Sash?

Sasha: Hm?, Oh sorry I-

Marcy smiled, moved closer and gave sasha a peck on her cheek

Marcy: I hope we get to hang out more, Waybright

Marcy stood up and walked back inside while Sasha sat there, Still, processing what had just happened, while that she did try to think about her parents pros and cons, maybe her dad wasn't so bad, She decided to think about it on her way home, She took a deep breath in, and walked back inside,

When she turned she saw Anne's parents in the kitchen while Anne and Marcy were on the couch talking

Sasha: Hey guys

Sasha then sat down next to Marcy and joined in there conversation

Anne: so what now?

Sasha: Shit who knows

Sasha laid back on the couch while Marcy and Anne stayed In their spots

Marcy: We already went to the mall even though we barely did anything, we- Wait, where's my game

Anne: Huh

Sasha: What game

Marcy: The game I bought- Awh dang it, I left it at the mall, Sorry guys but I have to go

Marcy stood up turned to Sasha held her face and kissed her on her forehead

Marcy: I'll talk to you guys later

As Marcy walked she then walked in front of Anne, held her face and kissed her forehead

As Marcy walked out the house both Sasha and Anne were sitting there, blushing not saying again

Mr Boonchuy: He-

Anne: Outside.

Mr Boonchuy: What?

Anne: She's outside.

Mr Boonchuy: Oh um thanks Anne, hey are you girls okay, you guys seem like you have fever


Sasha then stood up quickly and ran out the house

Mr Boonchuy:...I was just gonna ask if you had fed Domino

Meanwhile outside

As Marcy started to get into her car with her dada she saw Sasha running outside and down the streets

Marcy: *chuckles* oh god

Shannarcy (Anne x Sasha X Marcy) Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें