Chapter 11: Bowie...

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Wyatt got in the car and started it, he turned up the radio and pulled out of the school quickly. Wyatt turned his head over to Elijah then back to the road, Elijah glanced at him dripping with water from the sprinklers.

"What?" Elijah asked, sounding frustrated.

"Whoa man, don't get a temper with me." Wyatt said, furrowing his eyebrows glancing at Elijah.

"Well you keep staring at me, what do you want to say?" 

"Did you pull the alarm? Because there is no way in hell there was a fire." Wyatt asked.

"I didn't pull it, the little girl with me did." Elijah responded.

"Why did she pull it?" 

"I don't know, she didn't want to take a quiz apparently."

"How old is she?"

"Shes only twelve years old."

"So she thought it'd be smart to pull the f-"

Elijah cut him off.

"I don't fucking know what goes through her mind!" He shouted.

Wyatt pressed on the breaks, Elijah swung forward then into his seat.

"What the fuck Wyatt!" Elijah screamed.

"Don't get that fucking attitude with me!" Wyatt shouted. "Calm down or you are walking your ass home!"

Elijah sat back, crossed his arms and stared out the window as they drove home.

"Where'd gunpowder go again?" Wyatt asked.

"Gunpowder?" Elijah said, staring at Wyatt confused.

"Y'know... Your friend, y'know, with bug eyes?" 

"He has a name Wyatt.." 

"Sure sure, anyway where'd he go?"

Elijah thought about making Wyatt crash into the trees along the road, another part of him stopped himself from doing so.

"He went... with other people.. and his eyes aren't even that big." Elijah mumbled.

"Okay." Wyatt said, pulling into the drive way

Elijah got out before he stopped the car, Wyatt parked the car and started yelling at Elijah for getting out of the car while it was still moving. Elijah flipped Wyatt off and went into the house. Wyatt ran after Elijah.

"Fuck you Wyatt!" Elijah yelled, running up the stairs and locking himself in his room.

"Fuck you too, dipshit!" Wyatt yelled, slamming the front door.

"Hey hey! Whats going on?" Angelica asked Wyatt.

"Your son is an absolute cunt! I ask him something, hes rude about it! I do anything and I'm doing it wrong!" Wyatt said, trying to calm down.

Elijah's step-father walks into the room.

"Wyatt, lower your voice!" Bryce yelled.

"No no its okay, hes telling me something." Angelica said, putting her hand on Bryce's chest.

"Hes just being a huge douche! I know I was told that I need to watch him, but for god-sake, I literally barely know him!" Wyatt explained.

"Hun, its oka-" Angelica was cut off

"Wyatt, we talked about this. What'd I say?" Bryce said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Hes my brother, act like hes always been. Respect everyone at all cost, be nice to them.." Wyatt mumbled.

"Exactly, now go on."

Wyatt went up the stairs and slammed his door.

"Love, we could've talked calmly to the both of him.." Angelica told Bryce.

"No, I handled it well." Bryce said, walking into the kitchen.

Bowie and Amelia sat in the backseat of Winona's car. 

"So, Bowie, It's nice to see you again. How's the house doing?" Winona asked.

"About that.." Bowie mumbled.

Winona looked at Bowie through the rear-view mirror, raised an eyebrow they looked back at the road. Amelia side-glanced Bowie.

"Bowie." Winona said, "You can't be staying at other peoples houses for a long period of time, you need to take care of yours!"

"It gets lonely Win!" Bowie said, sitting back in his seat putting his hands over his eyes. Amelia staring at Bowie making exaggerated hand motions, Winona staring at the road.

"I know Bow, but still couldn't you invite them over to your house?" 

"I guess I could, but its a trailer! You can't invite someone there when they have a two-story home.." 

"Trying to impress a girl Bowie?" Winona giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Winona!" Amelia and Bowie said in sync.

"Elijah." Amelia said.

"Elijah's a boy tho." Winona questioned.

"Win." Bowie mumbled.

"Oh.. Oh!" Winona gasped.

"Yeah, Oh." Amelia said.

"You like boys do you? Guess we have something in common." 

"Winona!" Bowie yelled, laughing a bit.

Amelia chuckled.

"What? Am I wrong? Besides weed we have something else in common." 

"Winona!" Bowie yelled again, hitting her shoulder.

Amelia stopping her laughter looking seriously at Bowie and her sister.

"Excuse me... WEED?!" She yelled, "Bowie, you are sixteen!"

"I'm almost seventeen Amelia, plus, they're mine." He chuckled.

"Does Elijah know about this? Wait... what the hell do you mean yours?!"

"No, I don't plan on him knowing, and I bought them, and... found them, sell them.. so mine technically." He explained. "I don't see the big deal."

Winona pulled in-front of a trailer which was actually pretty clean for it being left for days. Bowie got out and waved to Winona and Amelia, Amelia still looked shocked at Bowie but waved anyways. Winona pulled out of the driveway and drove off. Bowie sighed and walked into his house. He walked into the kitchen to look for food, shelves were empty, he walked over to his mini fridge, crouched and opened it, nothing, empty. Bowie got up and sighed walked into his room and layed down on his bed, he layed on his side and reached under his bed, he pulled a pack a cigarettes he stole from a gas-station a few weeks ago, he pulled out his lighter from under his bed, sat up against his wall and lit the cigarette. He sat there in the darkness of his room for awhile the only light showing is from the sun disappearing behind the trees as it turned into darkness, then the moonlight seeping into the windows, he felt lonely even tho hes only been alone for ten minutes. He put one hand on his head and messed with his dark curly hair for a little before taking the cigarette out and blowing smoke from out his mouth, he put the cigarette back into his mouth inhaling it then taking it out and exhaling it. He put the cigarette out rubbing it against the wall and chucking it into the corner, he sat his legs out in-front of him and stared into the moonlit part of his room, wondering and thinking why he was alone, He couldn't think. He laid on his side, curled into a ball and fell asleep.

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