Chapter 1|Our first sight

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-Notes: Welcome to the first chapter. there is a playlist on Spotify about this story, so please check it out if you're interested! (if you cannot click on the link, highlight and copy to your clipboard, paste it somewhere, and then click on it.) Thank you for reading!-

Winston Harlow is your average teenage boy; black hair, box glasses, graphic tee, and jeans. He enjoyed science, especially chemistry. Is what he says, but he doesn't actually enjoy school or any classes. but today was different. today was the day he saw someone new. a blonde kid, a black leather jacket, and ripped jeans. 

Winston knew it wasn't right, but couldn't stop thinking of him. he ran up to the blonde and frantically asked "hey! hi-I-uh. I'm Winston! What's your.. uh.. name?" Winston giggled in embarrassment. did he just say that? how embarrassing! "oh. you're rather cute, kid~ the names Jack. Jack Comber. d'you mind showing me to the principal's office? I need to talk to the guy."  his voice was silky, but rough at the same time. Winston couldn't put it into words, but all he knew, was that it was hot. nevertheless, Winston walked him to the principal's office and sprinted off to class, face red as a tomato.

two hours later, he saw Jack again in his chemistry lesson. but.. was jack sitting next to him?! no way! Winston couldn't believe it! "lesson's kinda boring.. say.. Winston, was it?" said Jack. "yeah, Winston. That's my name." said Winston. "Are you a non-volatile particle? Because you raise my boiling point. hehe!" Jack pointed his fingers into guns and clicked his tongue. and Winston wasn't having any of it. he sighed as his head fell onto the table. how cheesy. "eh? eh? no? not good enough?" said Jack.

 Winston just turned his head to the side and continued to write notes. but deep down, he knew he was falling. and yes, it may have only been 2 hours since they met, but he was vulnerable to love at this age. it couldn't be helped. 

At the end of the day, Winston and Jack waved each other farewell as they walked home. but Jack went in the same direction as Winston. he paid no mind, however. besides the growing blush on his face. as he reached his house, Jack went into the house beside him. Winston was too shocked to say anything as he ran into his house, past his mom, and flopped onto his bed, preparing himself for tomorrow.

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