Chapter 2|The Mysterious Cheerleader

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Winston woke up bright and early for one reason and one reason only. To talk to the infamous Jack Comber. He couldn't wait any longer! he had much to talk about. as he ran out of the house, he forgot to brush his teeth. It was so rancid even Europe could smell it! Winston had naturally putrid breath. Due to this, he'd acquired the name 'wretched, wet mouth Winnie'. He'd always despised the name, it followed him to high school. But he was determined not to let Jack know of this name. If only he had brushed his teeth, it could have been avoided altogether.

As he reached school, not a single thought crossed his mind besides wonder what Jack was doing..' but all of a sudden, he remembered something he should've remembered hours ago. he had forgotten to fix a tear in a cheerleading uniform for a commission. Winston had taken on the task of sewing up a tear in someone's cheerleading uniform from the school's commissioning service. he accepted the request and would be rewarded credits in exchange. except, he had forgotten to actually do the task. lucky for Winston, his school had a sewing club that was open to all students. he only had half an hour before the commission was due, and he had no time to lose. as quickly as he possibly could, Winston began sewing up the pants but failed to notice the ginormous hole in the front. how idiotic. but it was too late now, he had to hand in the outfit.

After successfully handing in the uniform, the school announced that the football match would start in fifteen minutes; so he figured he might as well take a seat. Winston didn't know this, but whoever issued that commission knew Winston was the one who accepted it and saw the giant hole he left. with much haste, the mysterious cheerleader ran over to Winston within ten minutes of figuring out his location and demanded to speak with him privately. the mysterious figure dragged Winston away from the bleachers and into a stall in the men's locker room. "Hey! who are you and what are you doing?!" said Winston frantically. "Shush! just listen to me, will you? I'm John And I haven't got much time. you're Winston Harlow, correct? you accepted my commission to fix up my pants. well, you've done a shit job at it, that's for sure! There's no time to fix them now, so could you run and ask that friend of yours, Ernie, for one of their cheer skirts? they used to be on the team right?" without a word, Winston left to find Ernie. Surprisingly it wasn't that hard to find them, since they were patiently sitting on the bleachers next to their three friends: Ray Abott, Alilah Owens, and Wanda Yanak. they appeared to be talking shit about his good friend Jordan Abrams. he decided to just ignore them and ask what he needed to. "Younis," said Winston. "Harlow." a long silence followed. "look, I need to borrow your old cheerleading skirt. it's really important that you hand it over now." Ernie was unsettled. visibly so. to their right was Ray, and she was about to burst into laughter. "YOU FUCKING CREEP! HAHAHAH" they found it amusing how strange his request was. "why the fuck do you want their skirt?!" they kept laughing. but eventually, the laughter died down. "what do you think, honey-shnookems? HAHA!" Alilah was disturbed as well. "can you stop with that nickname? it's really weird. but anyway.. it is a strange request. but the real person who should decide is Ernie."

Ernie was deeply contemplating. but looked over to john and saw him begging from the locker rooms. "fine.. but on one condition. you tell me who you like. and no, I don't mean as a friend. I mean something more." poor Winston was mortified, yet agreed to their terms. he needed to get that skirt to John. He whispered who it was into their ear, and a loud shout came from their mouth. "OOOOO!! YOU LIKE-" they were suddenly cut off by a hand on their mouth, Winston desperately shushing them. as promised, they handed over the skirt and the three four of them stared as he ran off. "what was that about? I didn't understand a word hehe." everyone else sighed and looked over to Wanda dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, Winston handed over the newly acquired skirt to the supposed cheerleader and left him to it. a minute later, the match started and the students started flooding in, surprisingly later than usual. perhaps they were avoiding a certain student by the name of Winston. Said student looked around frantically, trying to find Jack amongst the sea of people, but to no avail. he sighed as he sat down in the front row, right behind the cheer squad. once the cheer team ran out of the locker rooms, the mysterious cheerleader ran out last and jumped on top of the pyramid. he could barely recognize him due to the skirt and random wig that came out of nowhere. it was brown and had two pigtails coming out from the sides. despite his staring, he soon became flustered. this happened because, from his view, he was looking directly up his skirt. Winston frantically looked away. this continued on for the rest of the match. after the match concluded, Winston ran over to the cheerleader as he walked into the locker rooms. "w-wait! What's your name..?" he shouted. "hmm.. after all you've done for me, its only fair I tell you my name in return. It's John Anderson, straight A student and top of the school. I'm the cheer captain and I have a private Twitter that i may or may not reveal to you. heh." John winked as he walked away, his lips turning into a smirk as he walked off like he was on a runway. Winston was flustered as he walked away, rushing to find Jack.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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