- imagine el part 2 -

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Recap: Jane: and this the alarm that my dad made

Jane:..uh i was never scared because *Angela raise her hands* because*looks at the teacher*

*Skip to after class to lunch*

Y/n: Hey Jane Can i talk to you?

Jane: Um sure..

Y/n: Do you know me?

Jane: Yes You sit in the back of the class i think

Y/n: Yeah i do well can I ask you something?

Jane: Yeah

Y/n: want to be friends?

Angela: Aw looks like someone wants to friends with Jane

Y/n: can you not I'm asking her a question but you interrupted me

Angela: Yeah whatever Bye

Y/ns mind: Fuck her

Y/n: oh ok well i was asking you if you wanted to be my friend?

Jane: Yes

Y/n: oh ok Great:)

Jane: oh btw call me eleven or el

Y/n: Eleven?

Jane: yeah that's my other name but you can call me Jane,eleven el

Y/n: ok el

Jane: Can i ask you something

Y/n: Yeah?

Jane: do you have a boyfriend?

Y/n: No? Why

Jane: well my past friends use to used me to get close to my boyfriend

Y/n: oh I'm sorry about that but i will never do that to someone

Jane: do you have any siblings?

Y/n: Yes i have 3 of them

El: what's there names?

Y/n: my older sister name is Nancy and my older brother is Mike and my youngest sister is Holly

Jane: Oh your brother has the same name as my boyfriend

Y/n: Oh that's cool

Jane: Oh the bell ringed see ya later! *Walks off*

Y/n: bye! *Also walks off*

*School ends*

Jane: Ok bye see you tomorrow!!

Y/n: see you tomorrow!!

A/n: sorry i haven't been posting but I'm going to try to post more ❤️

Words: 316

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