chapter four

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days and weeks has passed since that park thing happen. everything went back to normal for tommy... but as for ranboo... don't think so but he's trying his best to moved on from anything.

streaming is the only thing that to get his stupid things get off of his mind. so ranboo started streaming. but he keep seeing many comment from twitch chats with a name with tubbo.

shellyluvsyou donate $10
- hey ranboo can i ask you a quick question? did you and tubbo have a fight or something? it seems you two were having a fight

he read that in his mind as he keep his image serious. ranboo was playing some horror games when that donation comes up. but he didn't read that at loud. he just ignore it.

kyle11233 donate $12
- for that person who donated and said about ranboo and tubbo please respect their privacy. you don't know what privacy means you people??? hmmm? anyways good day ranboo!

he smiles at the donation but he didn't read that.

tommy to the other side, he was watching ranboo's stream and in fact, he saw that donations. and also he wanted ranboo enjoy his own stream so he had a better idea.

Tommyinnit donated $50

tommy smiles and he saw his name flashed up into ranboo's stream.

"oh god. tommy's watching. lol im doing great, actually. thank you big man" ranboo smiles. [ he isn't doing facecam right now so technically, ranboo was smiling behind the camera.

Tommyinnit donated $60
- wanna hang out?

"wait is it the real tommyinnit or it just a another fan?" ranboo laugh.

Tommyinnit donated $100
- im tommy! im gonna call you

"don--- and he called me. let me answer this real quick" ranboo said to his chat and answer his call.

"oh fuck you tallman" tommy rolled his eyes.

"oh god" ranboo laugh.

"so... wanna hang out?" tommy ask.

"sure im free today. where do you want to go?"

"anywhere" tommy smiles but the chats didn't see it.

one hour has passed and now ranboo ended up the stream. so him and tommy were the only left. they talk about what are they going to do today since tommy don't want to stream.

"maybe... we can go to mall! shopping~" tommy exclaimed. "i wanted to buy something too"

"okay mall it is" ranboo said smiling. he already turned on his camera since tommy wanted to see his face.

- at the mall...

ranboo was waiting at the near entrance of the mall. he was wearing one of quackity's hoodie and a beanie and also his day is not complete without his mask on. he isn't wearing a shades right now since he already revealed his eyes to the public months ago.

"hey ranboob!" ranboo jumped when someone appeared in front of him. tommy.

"jesus tommy" ranboo laugh. "don't do that again"

"im sorry" tommy said patting ranboo's shoulder. "let's go! we're going to that one store that i went last week. i saw some cool shirts there" he grab ranboo's arms and pulled him inside the mall. thankfully that the mall isn't crowded as always now. maybe people were busy at their works.

when both of them arrive at the store where tommy was now choosing some clothes, ranboo was also looking at some clothes that hanging everywhere. he can't really choose. he's a kind of person doesn't like fashion. he only wears what he has.

as he was still looking for some clothes, outside the store through the window, he saw someone familiar. the person was wearing a red hoodie and it was two times bigger than him. ranboo look closely not to look suspicious to the person. and then it hits him.


with a guy with him. and they were holding hands as they walk outside the store were ranboo and tommy was there. ranboo can't take his eyes away from the couple. especially on tubbo. it feels like his eyes were locked. his breathing started to get uncontrolled and the first thing he do was rushed outside the store leaving tommy.

he needs to go somewhere... but where? ranboo didn't know where he is heading. he just let his feet lead the way.

until he found himself on a empty restroom at the right side of the mall. ranboo tried to catch his breath as he stares at his reflection in front of the mirror. he look terrible.

the american look back to see if someone was there but thankfully no one. so he close the restroom before taking off his mask. ranboo closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself. once he was done, he slid himself on the floor and lean his back. his eyes were still close.

tears started to rolled down into his eyes as he remembered what he saw just now. he looks so happy. he thought about tubbo. 'did he at least think of me?' ranboo ask to himself as he began to cry. he leaned his knees up to his chest and bring his head so he can lean in it. the only thing that he can hear was his own sobbing.

he needs someone right now.

Tommy's POV

"it'll be 20$" the cashier to me and i handed her a 20$ cash to pay the shirt that i brought. this is pog. i brought the clothes that i want!

"ranboo lets go--- ranboo?" i completely stops at the middle of the store as my eyes wondered around here trying to find ranboo. but he's not here. couldn't be he's outside? i went out to the store but there's no sign of ranboo anywhere. where did that guy go?

arg shit. i curse and grab my phone from my pocket and quickly dialed ranboo's number.

"the number you have dialed--- "

"shit fuck fuck fuck" where is he?! he isn't supposed to be alone. i started to run around the mall looking for a 6 foot tall white guy weaing a mask.

"uhm... excuse me. can i ask you a question? have you seen a guy like 6'6 tall wearing a black hoodie and a mask?" i ask for the couple of people around but they always said no.

"Ranboo!!" i shouts but it's no use. the mall was loud because of the background music.

"tommy?" when i heard my name called i quickly turned around to see if it's ranboo...

but it's not...

"h-hey tubbo"

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