Nocene Mushuett and the B-Cuber Ladder

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"Everything is always gloomy around me, huh?" She chuckled while eating a freeze pop, "Wonder why you still hang out with me Mel." The small bot not even bigger than her foot shrugged, "I must accomplish mission." She scoffed, "Said that for the last half decade, Mel. Can't you say anything else?" The bot went silent as she sighed, "Well, I suppose not." As the sky above her glistened blue, she stood up and decided to return to the guild, already knowing Labilia would want to chat. 'Doesn't she know I don't want to be a dang B-cuber? I just want to quiet those dreams I've been having...but I just can't seem to find the power they say I've lost.'

As she walked in, she smacked right into Rebecca who had a man with black hair with her, "Sorry, Becca. I'm just a bit tired today." Introducing herself to the man she smiled, "My name is Nocene Mushuett. I'm the guild's top B-Cuber and nicknamed the Spirit of Ice." Waving her hand a flurry of ice crystals sprouted from the air, "Pleasure to meet you." As they crystals evaporated in the air, the man in the red replied, "Likewise. My name is Shiki Granbell, would you like to be my friend?" She blushed but answered, "Sure, the more the better as my old master would say."

Melrose the bot floated from behind her with her rose patterns sparkling in the light, "....*bbiiinbbbnpppp....*...." it sounded as Shiki tried to say hi to it, "...*Bbiiibiii!...*.." it shouted while hiding away from him with Nocene's wings appearing, "Mel, stop it! My wings are out!" A panicked Nocene shouted as her wings which held the same colors as Mother's hair flew out though, thankfully they didn't question it instead thinking it was a stage prop, "Anyway, shall we head to get you registered Shiki?" Rebecca said while Nocene led them to the desk, her wings still out and captivating her fans who lined the registration room, simping for her beauty.

"She's the reason I want to join this guild!" A fan called out as she registered Shiki and talked with them until Labilia approached and began mocking Rebecca, her friend standing beside her and trying to calm Labilia who was simultaneously attacking and sucking up to Nocene. "Please stop bothering us, Labilia. I want to get this registration over in peace if you don't mind." As Rebecca got a hold on Shiki who started to touch and harass people, Nocene concealed her wings then smiled to shut up the guys mocking Shiki, "Silence please. The guild shouldn't be full of laughter that mocks people."

Later on, Happy was kidnapped making Nocene release her wings and speed after the thief, spreading snow wherever she passed and only stopped once Shiki beat her to the thief, "Freeze, losers." She stated while freezing the thugs feet, "Guys like you are always being annoying." Allowing Shiki to take care of them with Rebecca, she smiled once everyone was safe, "I'll see you guys around." Rebecca stopped her while asking, "What was that?" Nocene told them, "Magic. What else?"
A Few Hours Later

"So you can use magic? Like the stuff that died out a long time ago?" Shiki as me as we walked back to the guild since we forgot the second half of his registration, "Mhmm. Always have been, though still don't know why." As they walked in she smiled at Clarisse who asked of their trip, crying melodramatic tears as Shiki talked to her, "I'm a drifter!" He agreed in confusion while I sweatdropped, "Could you finish his registration, Clarisse? I have to go make sure Melrose is okay." Labilia walked in to try and kiss ass to me again, while also insulting Rebecca. Thankfully I went to eat with them and saw the little snow dogs they used as waiters, "Hehe...Becca, I'm coming with! I'm a class S adventurer but that's fine because it means I can slack off morr than I need to! To put it simply, I'm going to be your mentor!"

Heading to where Weisz was, I could sense Elsie was here on Blue Garden somewhere, but ignored her energy signature and went to Norma with Becca and Shiki. "This place freaks me out. All this's just gross." I muttered as we found Weisz's lab and walked around the town, "Sir, are you okay?" I asked as he became enamored with my wings which were out and the pile of snow beneath me, "Who are you?" I answered happily, "Nocene Mushuett."
20,000 years later [????]

"Did you find anything?" A woman cloaked in ice asked two people in suits who answered, "Just a cube necklace, our goddess. It says..." the other one finished, "Edens Zero." The ice cloaked woman began to tear up while burying the B-Cube and crying frozen tears which sprouted ice flowers on the burial spot, "May you rest in peace, Gran and BG." She added as her two followers left, "You were the bestest friends I ever had."

Walking back to her frozen throne, a red haired advisor of hers asked, "What is wrong, Noceinea?" She shrugged, "Everything, Natsu. Everything is wrong..."
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Sodhdjbfdb - Grace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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Fragmented [EDENS ZERO x FairyTail] [Shiki Granbell x Ethereal OC]Where stories live. Discover now