The Advantages of Being a Quiet Guy

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Neil and Adam were talking to these girls at school, Janin and Naomi, although, Neil did most of the talking.

"...and then... she just ran away!" Neil, Janin, and Naomi laughed after he finished the story.

"How'd you react?" Naomi asked Adam.

"Uhh..." Adam didn't have anything to say so he just shrugged.

The girls giggled. "The silence says it all." Janin said. Neil looked at Adam confused. "You guys are so funny! Anyway, we better get going." "Yeah, we'll see you guys later!" Neil stopped them before they left. "Oh, wait, wait, Naomi. Um, would you wanna go to the movies with me tomorrow night?" Neil said as he smiled and gave her finger guns.

"Umm." Naomi saw the smile on Adam's face and smiled back. "I'll think about it." She finished. "Alright, cool." Neil said before Naomi and Janin walked away.

Neil sighed and turned to Adam. "Dude, why didn't you say anything? You made them leave." "Well... I didn't have much to say. They still thought it was funny." "I don't understand, why are you always so quiet?" "What do you mean? There's a lot of advantages to being quiet." "Oh yeah? Like what?" "Uhhh..." Adam looked around and saw two jocks. That gave him an idea. "Come with me." They both walked closer to the jocks without them noticing.

"Britney's having a kick back at her parents' beach house on Saturday, you wanna go?" The first jock said. "We can't go to that, we have football practice." The second jock said. "It's fine, we'll tell the coach that we're looking for colleges or something over the weekend. He'll never know, you down?" The coach behind the first jock, the second jock kept trying to give him the eye that the coach was behind him, but kept on saying stuff about him. "I mean, who does he think he is anyway? Telling us, oh you need to run laps on the weekend, when I see him, I'm gonna tell him that-" the second jock forced him to turn around and he realized the coach standing there not looking happy. "Coach! Uhh, what are you doing here?" "Never mind me, go on and finish what you were saying. When you see me, you're gonna tell me what?" "Uhh what a great coach you are! That's all I wanted to say." "Yeah. Sure. I heard everything. Not ONLY are you coming to practice now, but you'll be running double laps." "WHAT? You can't give us double laps!" "What do you mean 'us'? [Second jock's name] didn't say anything, I'm only talking about you. On the field, now." Coach said as he walked away. The second jock said "BRO, I WAS GIVING YOU THE EYE." "YOU HAD SO MANY CHANCES." "I LITERALLY LOOKED RIGHT AT YOU." They continued arguing before they left.

"So you see, being quiet keeps you out of trouble." Adam finally said. "Okay... but that's ONE situation, there's no other perks to being quiet." Adam saw other kids in the hall. "...not true."

Two people were arguing. "I don't understand what's the big deal about me going out with the boys tomorrow." The guy said.

Adam heard and said "follow me."

The girl said, "You don't see a problem with you spending OUR anniversary with your friends? That makes me feel like I'm just-" the guy slams the locker and tells the girl that she's overreacting. "I swear, you always do this. I told you that on Sunday-" "You DIDN'T let me finish. You ALWAYS talk over me and you never give me a chance to say anything. I just wish you were a better listener." She sighed as she stormed off. "[Girl's name], wait."

Adam waited a little bit and said. "...reason number two. When you're quiet, you're a good listener. Girls appreciate a good listener." "Alright, so there might be... two small advantages. Big deal." Neil said and Adam scoffed. "There's more than that! Watch." They both walked over to a classroom door and looked through the rectangular window.

"Who can tell us the most important founding father of America?" A student scoffed and raised his hand. "[Student name]." "That's an easy one! George. W. Bush." The class started snickering. The teacher said, "did you mean George Washington?" The student said "Oh! Yeah! Sorry" He said and laughed awkwardly.

Adam and Neil laughed. "I can't believe he said George Bush." "Yeah, well, being quiet helps you avoid saying dumb things." "Yeahh I can't even argue with you on that one."

Two girls approached the boys. "Hey, can we get you guys' opinion on something?" The first girl asks. "Yeah, sure, what's up?" Neil questioned. "[First girl's name] and I can't agree, who do you think is hotter, David Dobrik or Mr. Beast?" The second girl asked. "Uhhh..." the first girl said, "I say Mr. Beast." 'What? No. He's a gamer." 'Exactly, gamers are hot." The girls didn't realize that Adam awkwardly walked away and left Neil on his own. The girls continued bickering, then looked at Neil for his thoughts. "Uhh, yeahhh if... this is kind of an awkward question... look, if I had to choose, I'd say... Mr. Beast." The first girl said "Told you!" The second girl scoffed and they both walked away.

Neil yelled, "DUDE, why'd you leave me hanging over here? That was so uncomfortable!" Adam laughed "Yeahh, well, when you're quiet, you can sneak out of awkward conversations without anybody noticing. That's another benefit." 'I didn't even think about that."

Neil noticed Naomi and Janin walking by and quickly went up to them. "OH, HEY, uhhh, don't forget to let me know about the movies!" Naomi smiled "Uhh, listen... about that..." "Yes! You wanna go?" "No, that's not what I was gonna say." She eyed Adam. "Do you wanna tell him or should I?" Adam just nodded for her to tell him. "I'm actually going to the movies with Adam." "What?! With... Adam?" Naomi nodded. Neil looked at Adam. "Dude, why didn't you say anything?" Naomi said, "Don't get mad at him! He's just... quiet!" "And that's what you're into?" "Are you kidding? Quiet guys are hot." Janin said. "Plus, you don't have to worry about them kissing or telling." Naomi added and looked at Adam. "Call me later." Then the girls walked off.

Neil stared at Adam, he grinned and pat his back. "Wow. I guess there really are a lot of benefits to being quiet." Adam nodded and then walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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