Please read!/I'm sorry..

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Hello lovelies! If you pressed on this book because there is not really any Obey me! Zodiac signs then your in luck! Because here is a new fresh one!.

But your probably thinking "why are you sorry? Or "why do I have to read this?". It's because I'm the same person who has the most viewed obey me book on Wattpad but I can't go on that account anymore so I made another book.

Now your probably also thinking "BULLSHIT YOU DON'T HAVE THE MOST VIEWED OBEY ME BOOK!". (You probably didn't say that but let's pretend you did.✨💕)

Well my friend, here was my book that got so much views I'm so sad that people don't know I'm not on that account anymore.. because I love the comments on there!.(if your from there please talk to me!💕)

Yep! That was me! "SimeonAssismine" and at the moment that is the most viewed Obey me book on here

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Yep! That was me! "SimeonAssismine" and at the moment that is the most viewed Obey me book on here. IT'S HAS 105K VIEWS? LIKE HOLY FUCK THANK YOU GUYS! last time I check I only had 35k (which is still alot thank you!).💕💕

So  please I'm Begging you guys if you see this book and want more of Obey me zodiac signs (I will remake chapters cause I'm disgusted in some but I will talk about that soon.)  Please tell the people on there too come on this book so we can make this book the biggest book! That would mean the world to me! Because I still want to write for you guys, you guys had made me the happiest person in the world I swear and I like writing them!.

Now for the new rules/I'm so sorry..
Okie so I want to apologise for putting luke in the questions like "who is your boyfriend" or "who you have fun time with" *wink*.    I wrote that book when I was 13-14? (I'm 15 now) I can't remember and for a joke that whole book was meant to be a joke if you couldn't tell by my name or the description. (And i thought it was funny seeing a drunk luke but I'm sorry ew)  But now I actually want to write seriously for you guys. And I will take 100% the blame for putting luke in like the questions I said, I thought if I made him older it was alright but now I know it's disgusting I'm very sorry for the people who got him. (you get to get a free choice for that whoever got him  <3)  I am a slow person and I even ask my friend if that was alright and they said it was so I thought it was because of that but now I know it's disgusting so I will only add him in questions like "who do you hang out with" or "who do you go to the beach with" wholesome stuff like that. I will add the other side characters   in the dirty questions so you don't get luke (which I'm still very sorry for.) (Also the other side characters weren't there back then but I know that Doesn't mean I should've add Luke, I just wanted to say that to anyone who gotten the one that they had a threesome with beel or whoever lol)
But please don't think I'm saying "oh I'm a slow person so I didn't know it was wrong to put Luke in those questions." Because no back then I thought it was alright but now I know it isn't and lile I said I will take 100% of the blame if anyone felt uncomfortable because I understand, I'm even disgusted at myself but  i hope you all can forgive me for that but if you don't then I understand and I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable for putting a kid in questions like that.💕
  💕I hope you guys all forgive me💕


Please give me questions if you want (they can be NSFW or are <3) and the Mc gender is whatever because it's you! I want everyone to feel safe/love and enjoy this book as much as I do!. And please if you see this book  please please please tell other people that this is now the "simeonassismine" book! I will literally do anything if you did! (If you want a mini nsfw question with long answers I will put my heart and soul into it as your reward babygirl/babyboy/baby✨✨ hehe

Anyways bye my rats and please help me out so we can become the biggest book again! ✨✨💕💕💕💕💕 AND REMEMBER!..........................................................


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