Entering My Mind

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I have not been on this earth for very long. I am constantly reminding by those who have great influence on me, those I turn to for comfort. "You too young for this. You're too young to feel this. Too young to know this." I thought knowledge didn't come with age. I thought it came with experience. Granted certain things I do not have experience with. But I still have human curiosity. With that, the urge to fulfill this desire I have for knowledge. From time to time, I will ask those around me for answers to my questions, hoping to make sense of this world, and quench this seemingly never ending thirst for knowledge. I sometimes am satisfied with the answers given to me. Other times, it only sends more questions shooting up inside of me. Not only to the mind. Some questions are linked to my very being. They help make me who I am. They make me frustrated, as I wish to have them answered quickly and in a way that helps me make a little more sense of this world. when they leave me, they leave me with knowledge, but even more questions. Why? How does this work? Is it the best choice we can make as human beings? When a question leaves me, it almost seems like it leaves me with a parting gift. More questions. I know not all of my questions will be answered. I smile, slightly glad I can never know everything. I can never be truly pacified with my extent of knowledge. This gives me something to chase. This sense of wonder gives me passion, it gives me life. A part of me wants to know everything there is to know. There is also a part of my that secretly wishes I will never know everything. Whatever part chooses to rule over my mind for a while, will always go in pursuit of knowledge. No matter what happens. Although I have certain amount of knowledge on certain topics, I will not always act with this knowledge. I still have instinct. I will sometimes act without intellect. I do end up being foolish from time to time. Working for my impulses, hoping to satisfy those longing feelings as well, as they are easier to finish. I do end up hurting someone. Never intentionally. Sometimes I act with good intentions, but they sometimes end up with unintentional consequences, as do many things in life. I try in life. Sometimes maybe too much. I am young. I sometimes act on instinct instead of intellect. I try to please everyone, it's within my nature, it's a part of my being. I can never change my nature. I am too fearful of what would happen. Nether the less I will try my best to keep those around me content. I wish for more experience in my life, to tell my grandchildren. Like a bird in a cage, I wish for freedom. To live my life the way I want to. To be able to feel and sense things I never sensed before. Until I am grown, I must stay in my cage. To be nurtured and readied for this amazing world. I will stay with those who love me and care for me, until I can fly on my own. Until that day, I will be singing songs about my dreams and wishes, hoping they will come true.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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