Chapt 15: YOU WANT WHAT?!

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(Dark's POV )
I ran to Gerudo Desert so fast that I was able to get there by sunrise. That's how determined I was to get (y/n) back. She was the only person who understood me. While everyone else treated me like a moster, she treated me like a person.

I jumped off my horse and tied it's rein to a tree so it wouldn't run away. I then made my way to entrance of Gerudo Desert but I ended seeing someone I didn't want to see...Link.

Link looked like he was about to walk into Gerudo Desert, but he stopped when he saw me. The thing was, he didn't lunge at me or even draw his sword. Instead he began to walk towards me, but he had a pretty annoyed expression on his face. Link was now at least three feet in front of me, and was glaring.

"I went to Lon Lon Ranch" he growled, "I found Malon on the ground dead and I know you did it."

I got mad after that, he was blaming me!

"What makes you think I did it!" I yelled.

"Who else would kill her!?" he replied, "you're the only one I could think of who would do such a thing!"

"But it wasn't me!" I argued.

"Sure, what ever you say Dark" Link said sarcastically while grabbing the hilt of his sword and was about to unsheath it.

"Phantom Ganon!" I blurted out, "that's who did it!"

Link's mad face melted into a surprised face and he gasped.

"What do you mean?" He sputtered taking his hand off the sword, "I thought I killed him, how do I know you're telling the truth!"

"Because I was there!" I yelled, "he kidnapped (y/n) and Malon must have gotten in the way that's why he killed her!"

Link's surprised and angry face soon turned into a confused face. "Who's (y/n)?"

I sighed in annoyance. "(Y/n) is the girl that stopped you from killing me and she's kinda my...girlfriend."

"You got a girlfriend?" Link asked.

"That's not important right now, what's important is that I  save her!" I said, "Phantom Ganon kidnapped her under Ganondorf's orders and I was going to get her back."

"Why did Ganondorf kidnap her?" Link asked.

"I'm not sure" I said sadly.

Link saw my sad expression and he suddenly looked extremely determined.

"I want to help you" he suddenly said.

"YOU WANT WHAT?!" I gasped and starred at him in disbelief.

"I want to help you get (y/n) back" he repeated.

"Why?!" I asked.

"Because I owe her an apology " he replied sadly, "I left her all alone in the water temple and didn't help her when she asked for it. I've regretted it ever since."

I bit my lip. I hated Link with all my heart, he was just soooo....good, and I didn't really enjoy his company. But now that I think about it, he could be pretty helpful if he came along. He could kill mosters while I went and got (y/n), and my mission would go a lot faster if he was there. So with that, I agreed to let Link tag along.

We discussed a battle plan for a few minutes, which wasn't a very bad plan. With Link's sword fighting, which I hate to say is pretty good, and my knowledge of Gerudo Desert, we have a pretty good chance of success.

After that, me and Link snuck into Gerudo Desert, determined to get (y/n) back!

Another Worldly Love (Dark Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now