The clueless witch

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Author's note: I made this story based off of this illustration on pinterest:

She carefully opened the window and stuck one leg in, swinging herself over the edge until she was sitting on the windowsill. The boy woke up with a start and sat up, alarmed.

She grinned eagerly. "Hi!"

He eyed her nervously. "What do you mean hi? Who are you? Are you a burglar? What do you want?"

She looked puzzled. "I came here to trick or treat, like everyone else. I'm Alice!" She stopped. "Is this... Not how you play trick or treat?"

He stared at her in disbelief. "Of course not! Where'd you get that idea?!"

Her smile disappeared instantly. "Oh. Sorry."

He sighed and got out of bed. He couldn't just leave her to go home upset.

"Here, I'll show you how to trick or treat properly." Her face lit up. "Really?! Thank you!"

He smiled. "But you have to leave first so I can get ready. Just wait on the front porch."

She grinned and nodded, swinging back out the window.

Once he was ready, he went outside with his trick or treat bag and ghost costume on.

"Ok, you ready?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yep!" She turned to him and gasped. "Wait, were we supposed to dress up? I didn't know..." She looked down at her witch's dress in dismay.

"What do you mean? Your costume's great!" She looked doubtful. "Well, if you say so. What's your name, by the way?"

"Winston." He smiled.

"So, how do you play this?" She asked eagerly.

He sighed. "Ok, so it's pretty simple. You go to each door and knock, and then you say trick or treat and they give you sweets for your bag." He started walking to the first house, and she jogged to catch up.

"That's it? Why do they give you sweets?"

He pondered for a second. "I don't actually know. It's just a tradition."

She smiled as they reached the first door.

"Ok, I'll go first so you know how. Ok?"

"Ok!" She replied cheerily.

He knocked on the door, and a grumpy looking man opened the door. "Trick or-" Before he could finish, the man slammed the door in his face. "Oh well, I guess he chose trick." Alice waved her hand lightly and they heard a scream from inside the house. Winston stared at her.

"Did you do that?!"

She shrugged. "Yeah, he'll have worms in his hair for weeks." She cackled and kept walking to the next house. He ran to catch up with her. "Wait, you can do magic?!"

"Well, isn't it obvious? I'm a beginner witch. I thought tonight would be my chance to do something normal people do, but I guess not. Magic is more necessary than I thought. How do people manage without it?" Winston just stood there, dumbfounded. "You're a- a witch?!"

She grinned. "Yep."

They spent the rest of the night trick or treating, and asking each other questions about their lives.

At the end of the night, Alice gave Winston a big hug. "Thank you so much for helping me! It was so fun! Can I come back tomorrow? I want to learn more!" He grinned at her. "Of course, I'll be in my bedroom, you can just knock on the window." He chuckled as she disappeared into the woods.

Hope you enjoyed! Lmk if you would like a part 2.


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