chapter 5

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Monty: dad, he was drunk, I...he...

Freddy (me): You don't have to tell me, come inside, I will get you patched up...

Monty came inside and I patched his arm up and we both sat on the couch,

Monty: I hope you don't mind me asking but...

I look at Monty,

Freddy (me): yes?

Monty: could I stay here for awhile? At least for two days so I can have a break from my family,

I looked shocked at what Monty said but then I answered,

Freddy (me): well, sure,

Monty: thank you! I hope I'm not a bother to your parents.

Freddy (me): my parents are on a business trip right now, your not a bother!

Monty: thank you Freddy,

Freddy (me): no problem Monty, let me make you some food, are you in the mood for something?

Monty: no I'm fine, I will just have what you cook,

I ended up making some pasta, made dishes of it, I have one to Monty,

Monty: thank you,

We both finished our food and I took the dishes and put it in the sink and went back to Monty,

Freddy (me): we should get to bed,

Monty: yeah,

Freddy (me): you can sleep in my room, I will sleep down here,

Monty: I, are you sure you don't need it?

Freddy (me): I'm fine! I will be alright, my room is upstairs and the room to the right!

Monty: I...thank you,

He then left to my room then I sat on the couch, got settled and fell asleep,

The next morning

Sorry this chapter was short

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