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    violent death, slaughter, murder

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

  Marcy Quinn's body is laying on the cold, metal table, lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling.

  Out of respect, Dorian swipes his fingers over her eyes, closing the lids, so that she would appear to be sleeping. That's if you ignore the big, red gash on her throat though.

  "She died approximately between thirty and thirty-four hours ago, so probably around midnight yesterday." someone speaks in front of him. "No evidence of sexual assault."

  The voice belongs to Claire March, the pathologist working at their police station. As always, she looks like she hasn't been sleeping for quite some time if the dark circles under her eyes are anything to go by. There's a crooked smile twisting her lips, as she stares at Dorian, her green eyes sparkling with amusement.

 "You okay?" she asks. They've known each other for quite some time now, ever since Dorian came here to work. Claire has already been running terror in the place, feared by most men who crossed paths with her.

  "Yeah, just— thinking." he hums in answer, tearing his eyes away from the victim in front of him. She was young. Younger than anyone should be to lay on this table. "Cause of death?"

  Claire wordlessly points to the cut on the girl's neck. She probably bites back a comment about him asking stupid questions, or that's what he thinks.

  "She bled out. Pretty quickly too, if I dare say so." the woman says. "It was a clean cut. No hesitation. Someone knew what they were doing."

  "Do you think they have medical training?" Dorian rounds the table, trying to get all angles while looking at the cut. It's been cleaned out on the sides, probably by Claire or one of the guys who work with her.

  "Not necessarily." she shakes her head. "You don't need to have the medical knowledge to be able to slit someone's throat effectively. These days, even a true-crime documentary on YouTube would suffice."

  Dorian frowns because he knows she's at least partially correct. With the number of many different things you can find online right now, it probably wouldn't be hard to find tips on committing a perfect, effective crime. Even if, of course, there is no such thing as a "perfect" crime - sooner or later the truth comes out and the right person gets punished for what they did.

  "I ran some toxicology tests too." Claire takes a small, white folder and flips through its pages until she finds what she's looking for. There's a sympathetic look on her face as she glances at the body laying on the table between the two of them. "There were large amounts of Rohypnol in her system. Like, copious."

  "The date rape drug?" Dorian raises his eyebrows in question. "So, someone roofied her?"

  "Looks like it. In the state she was in, it was practically impossible to fight back. Rohypnol immobilizes people in small amounts and she got like.. three or four times the dose." there's something weird in her face as she looks down at her folder again, something haunted in her eyes that makes Dorian worry about what he might hear next.

  Truth be told - the case is already complicated as it is. He's heard of Grapevine Academy multiple times, a prestigious college that only a handful of people get into every year, yet everyone who finishes it doesn't complain about their life after leaving it at all. It's not the most secure place in the world though, the only thing keeping it from the outside world being the old, thick gate and fence that runs around the whole property. There are almost no cameras in the buildings, especially not in the dorms, under the guise of supplying the students with their deserved privacy.

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