Itto | Games

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Requested by: mikudayo0o0

The sharp thing that poked your cheek was getting on your last nerve. You opened your eyes to see Itto poking you with his long sharp nails.


"Fight me and I might."

"I'm not fighting you."

"Come on!"

You rolled your eyes and got up from underneath the tree you were sleeping.

"I wanna see what you're capable of! I know you're strong!" He called out as you walked away.

You turned around and gave him a stare. He shuttered when he saw you.

"Stop that..." He broke eye contact with you and finally left.

You sighed in relief and walked away.

Everyday for the last year, Arataki Itto has been asking non stop for you to fight him or to compete in some kind of challenge against him. You thought he was pathetic. And everyone around you thought your silly bickering was pathetic. Everything about the two of you was pathetic. Even Itto's flirting skills apparently.

You were actually decently close with Shinobu. You went on walks with her often just to catch up about things that happened in the past week or two.

"You wanna know something, Y/n?"


"I think it's funny how you don't realize how much Itto likes you."



Ever since she said that, it's made you look at the oni differently. You thought he hated your guts with all of the things he says to you. But he... likes you?

You even asked the other members of his gang and the three boys all said that he definitely had a thing for you. Apparently he talked about how cool you were?

That doesn't not sound like him...

Last person to ask was just Itto himself.

"You like me?"

"Huh?!" His eyes widened and his whole body stiffened. "Of course not? Are you serious?"

"Do you not remember the time when you said-" Shinobu tried to say.

"Shushshshshshhushhh!!! Shut up! Go away or something! I can handle this on my own!" He whisper-yelled.

"I can hear you."

He yelped and turned back.

"I um. Well.. I do think you're cool. But whaddya mean I LIKE you? Like, it would be cool if we could be friends instead of like life-threatening enemies or whatever. But I dont-"

You pulled him down my his collar and pecked him on the cheek. He completely froze. Not moving a muscle.

"Great, Y/n, you killed him." Shinobu snickered.

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