𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤

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''Tessie! Are you awake yet?'' Dad shouted from the hallway. ''You have to leave in 15 minutes!'' ''Tess?!'' After I had finally woken up to find out who the hell was screaming this early, I realised I overslept. It didn't take me long before I started to panic. ''Shit, shit, shit!'' I shouted. I quickly jumped out of my bed,  put some clothes on and tried to fix my messy, red hair. ''Bad hairday it is''. After I was somewhat happy with my hair, I threw some make-up on, ran to the kitchen, stuffed my mouth with some cereals, grabbed my bag, kisses my dad goodbye and left the house. 

While I was walking to school I put my hand in my backpocket. When I felt something, I realised that I still had a joint in my pocket from the night before. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to start my fist day of senior year high, but I thought I deserved to relax after such a stressfull morning. I put the joint in my mouth, lit it, and took the firts hit. I immediately felt my body relax. 

When I arrived at school I hadn't completely finished the joint yet, and since I was too early, (don't ask me how I did it) I decided to sit down and finish it before I would go inside. 

Suddenly, I felt someone tapping on my sholder. ''It's a bit early for that don't you think?''.  When I turned around I saw a guy standing behind me. I tried to look at him as sober as I could, but I realised he already knew that what I was smoking, wasn't just a normal cigarette. ''It's 7 pm somewhere'', I responded with a polite smile. The guy smiled back at me and replied: ''well, I already like you''.

 ''I'm Eddie by the way''. ''Eddie Munson''. He held out his hand, expecting me to shake it. Since I couldn't think clearly anymore, I had no idea what he expected of me and I kept my hand in the pocket of my leather jacket. 

''Tess Jones'', I responded. ''Well, Tess Jones'', he continued, ''apparently your parents didn't teach you any manners''. He seemed annoyed. ''I'm sorry'', I said while holding up the joint, hoping he would understand what I was trying to say. ''My braincells aren't really working right now''. Eddie started laughing. ''It's okay''. He took the joint out of my hand, and took a hit. 

''Hey!'' I shouted at him. ''Thats mine!'' 

''I know'', he responded with a smirk, ''but I think this is a great way to say sorry for your bad manners''.  I started laughing. he was actually quite funny. ''You can finish it'', I said. And so he did.  

After about 5 minutes we were both high, and we talked about the most random things. 

RRRRRRRINNGGGGGGGGGGG!!! The bell interrupted our conversation.

''Ah shit'', Eddie sighed. ''We have to go to class''. When we got inside, we were both kinda disappointed when we found out that we both had diffrent classes. 

''See you at lunch?'' I asked him. 

''Yeah sure'', he responded. ''You can sit with me and my friends if you like''.  

''I would love to'', I said with a smile. 

''Okay I''ll meet you there Jones''! Eddie shouted at me while he was already walking the opposite direction. I waved at him, but I don't think he noticed. 

I sprayed some perfume, trying to hide the weed scent, and after that I entered the classroom. 

When class was finally over, I walked to the school cafeteria. The effect of the weed had already worn of, wich actually disappointed me. As I entered the cafeteria, I saw Eddie sitting at a table with some other boys. They all seemed very nice. When Eddie noticed me, he signed to come sit down with them. When I arrived at the table, I politely introduced myself. ''Hi, I'm Tess'', I said. ''I'm....'' ''The new girl!'' Eddie said right trough my sentence. 

''I think she can talk just fine by herself Eddie'', someone said in an irritated tone. I turned around so I could find out who said it, and to my surprise it came out of a freshman's mouth. He smiled kindly, and he actually looked pretty cute too. The boy had on a cap from which his curls were showing, he had the most adorable face and he was wearing a T-shirt that read: Hellfire Club. ''Hi, I'm Dustin Henderdon'', he said. Not long after, the rest of the group introduced themselves, and I noticed that everyone at the table was wearing the same shirt. ''Hellfire club?'' I asked. ''It's our D&D club'', Eddie said. ''OMG you all play D&D?! I shouted. ''That's so cool!'' 

''Speaking of that'', Eddie said with a smirk on his face,'' look what I found''. He pulled a  magazine out of his backpack and started reading with a low voice: ''Dungeons and Dragons.'' ''At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe , now has both parents and psychologists concerned.'' ''Studied have linked violent behaviour to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide and even.... ,MURDER.'' 

''Society has to blame something'', one of the other guys sighed. ''We're an easy target.'' ''Exactly'', Eddie continued. ''We're the freaks, because we like to play a fantasy game.'' Everyone agreed with Eddie. ''You're right Eddie'', I said. He winked at me and I felt that I started to blush.  I quickly hid my cheecks behind my hands, hoping that nobody would notice. 

Suddenly Eddie got up, stood on the table and started to shout: ''But as long as you're into band, or science, or.... parties'', he continued sneeringly. ''Or a game where you throw balls into a laundry basket!''

 I started laughing. Eventhough I thougth it was kinda embarassing, it was a very cool move of Eddie. He showed that he didn't care about other people's opninions. I could also finally get a good look at him, now I could think straight again. he had long, wavy, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, he had the cutest smile, and his style was amazing. He wore a Hellfire shirt, just like the rest, a lether jacket, a sleeveless denim jacket, a baggy black jeans, white sneakers, and he wore a lot of accessoiries.

''You want something freak?!'' I hear one of the jocks shout. Eddie responds bij making a weird face at him, wich makes us all laugh. 

Eddie turns to us, steps off the table and starts to tell. ''It's forced conforming.'' That's what's killing the kids!'' He shouted. After he sat down again he continues: ''That's the real monster''. 

'''Guys... I said. ''I'm going to the bathroom real quick okay?'''' I'll be right back.'' 

I stood up, and walked to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I noticed that my eyes were still red. I didn't understand why nobody told me, but maybe they just didn't want me to feel uncomfortable.  I drank some water and returned to the group. 

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw Eddie standing next to the table. I saw that he was saying something but I couldn't understand it. When I got closer I heard him say: ''If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage, I'm gonna look principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma, and I'm gonna run like hell out of here! 

We all laughed. For some reason he really made me smile. 

''It's my year,'' Eddie continued. ''I can feel it, '86 baby!'' 

Moments later we had to go back to class. "Will I see you after school?" Eddie asked with a smile. ''Maybe.'' I replied jokingly. ''Just meet me at our spot Jones'', he replied annoyed. I didn't know what to think. ''Our spot?'' Don't get me wrong,  Eddie is a really nice guy, but there is no 'us' and certainly no 'our spot'......

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