Chapter 1

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•Your POV•
"So I just have to get this cane to Luiza?" The Duke nodded with his casual smile

"Yes, since it is quite the walk, have half of your pay" he handed me five lei and I quickly said goodbye and went on my way

Tiny time skip

I bought some water at the half way point, I knew it was going to be hot today, but I didn't know it was going to be this hot

"Hey gorgeous" oh my god, please no–

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" Wait a minute now, I turned around and saw that some creepy was flirting with Elena and she looked visibly uncomfortable, yet no one was doing a thing

I quickly grabbed a broom and walked over

Cassandra POV•
Why did I have to buy more wine glasses? Couldn't one of my sister's do it?

"Please, leave me alone sir" I stopped and saw some middle aged man flirting with some girl "Awe, come on sweet cheeks, don't choke now–"


"Wha–?" Someone walked over with a broom and hit him upside the head with it and he fell to the ground and his head started bleeding, god damn they're strong

They broke off a piece of the broom and shoved it down his throat and her started choking and tried to get it out but they held his arms down

"Come on now.... Don't choke" he started turning blue, and I was happily enjoying the show

"(Y/N), please stop!" They groaned and rolled their eyes and let him go and he coughed up the piece of wood "You crazy bitch!"

"I'm am not crazy, I'm fair" then they grabbed the girls hand and walked away and when they we're finally out of sight everyone got back to working, as if this happened all the time

Well if it does I have to come back!

Back at the castle

"Sister? What took you so long?" I handed the wine glasses to a maid and I looked at my sister "I was watching an amazing fight! Get Bela so I can tell you both"

In the library

We all got comfortable with our wine and I started telling the story

"So I was at the market right? And this weirdo was flirting with a girl who was probably only twenty while he was sixty three and just went his tenth divorce and told her "dOn'T cHoKe" then this person with lovely (H/C) hair came up with a broom and was like "HEY!" then they walked over and hit him so hard his head started to bleed and they snapped off a piece and shoved it down his throat and he started chocking and they held him down and he almost passed out when the chick told them to stop, they looked super disappointed, but let him go and he called them crazy and their like "I'm not crazy, I'm fair" you should've been there to see it sister's!"

They sat there and slowly sipped their wine with suspicious glances "What?"

"I hate to say this sister, but–" Daniela butted in "You got a crush! Love at first sight!" I gasped and threw a pillow at both of them and they laughed at me

Cassandra Dimitrescu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now