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So a brief little History about me; I grew up in a "fat family" with overweight parents. Which entailed both my sibling and myself NEVER in our entire lives being a healthy weight.
And I'm 19, so I'm really depressed about. I'm really confident and outgoing, but even so my weight has definitely held me back in so many ways, I feel as if I wasted my teen years. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that now, but I'm determined to not let the same thing happen during my 20s.

The time for change is long overdue! And I'm starting now! (Okay I kinda started two weeks ago already, but whatever)

Weight Stats 10/07/22

Starting weight: 112kg (246.9lbs)

Current weight: 108.7kg (239.6lbs)

Short-term goal: 105kgs (231.5lbs)

Ultimate goal: 49kg (108lbs)

I used to convert the kgs to lbs, so idk how accurate it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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