Chapter 2

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Months later, 12 hours on the river.

Clay opened his eyes realizing he was on a boat, with his brother and sister who were fast asleep as continued, to row the boat down the river, Clay's eyes scan the darkness, but there were no monsters, he grab the flashlight, then it shined through the darkness, he grabs the radio, messing with it, he turned through the channels, hoping to find the single they got hours earlier. 



"We are here! Please! I have kids here! We need food, water, and shelter!"

"PLEASE! If anyone can hear me!"

"I have my younger brother and sister."

He groans in anger, putting the radio up, he pulled the blanket over the boat, making sure it has stayed closed. He missed his friend's voices, his mother's cooking, his father's listening to his day, and his older sister's energetic personality.

Months earlier (4/12/2017).

Clay looks out the window. Due to the monster now being seen in Florida, he and his family are now being forced to flee the state to a nearby military base. He picks up his clothes, books, pictures, flashlights, and radio. He stuffs whatever, he small stuff he like socks, batteries, underwear, and shoes. Clay grabs his backpack and walks downstairs. Seeing his family already done packing up, they load their stuff into their car, then start to drive to the military base. Clay sat by his younger sister (Mary) and younger brother (Patrick).

They drive by the street seeing spider webs, blood, corpses, and crashed cars. Clay then saw a guy running before being shot by a skeleton. "Clay.." Clay turns to Mary, holding something on her lap covered with a blanket. "What?" Clay saw Mary pull back the blanket, revealing a cat. "Where did you find her?" Asked Clay. "By the trash can by our old house." The cat looks at them, blinking, the cat stretches, and she started to purr. He smiled, "Okay, if we are going to keep her, I will get her food." He said.

The cat was nice. She was rubbing her head against Mary's arm. "What shall we name her?" Mary asked. "Patches. Her name shall be Patches." Clay smiled, petting patches. Clay looked out the window of dead bodies where, everywhere, some bodies were open, and guts were around them. "Don't look outside!" His dad said. "Clay? Are your friends okay?" His mom asked. "All the phones were the cut-off." Said his older sister."Oh.." Clay looked at his mom. "What?" "Will before all this happens, you and that British guy have gotten extremely closed." She gave her son the look, which all moms gave their sons and daughters when they found out they had that friend. "Mom! We were just friends." He said, blushing. 'Maybe I did like him....'

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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