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I stumbled into the alley as I saw a hooded figure towering over a man who was on the ground whimpering. He had bruises everywhere and looked like he was about to pass out anytime but just as I was about to go help the man the hooded figure stabbed the man as I gasped.

He kept stabbing the man until it looked like he was just poking a giant rag doll. Horrified I tried to make a run for it to save myself but accidently stumbled into a trash can and looked around to see if the guy had seen me, only to see the dead man's body. Frantically trying to get up and make a dash for it I was yanked as someone pulled my jacket.

I started panicking as I felt a hot breath fanning against my ear. I heard a whisper but couldn't make out what the person was saying. My anxiety rose to it's peak as I felt my head getting heavier and my eyes starting to close on their own.

Before I could pass out a face appeared in front of me. The guy was wearing a mask and I couldn't see his face because there were no street lights. His sleeves were rolled up and that's when I noticed a tattoo on his arm. It looked like some sort of sword with a 5 digit number on it. It looked very familiar but new at the same time.

At that moment I heard another voice behind me.

"What are we going to do with her?"

"Did she see everything?"

"Yeah, why don't we take her with us and have some fun."

"Stop acting like a lunatic, she could get us in trouble."

The second guy came up to me and looked confused at first before I could make out a small grin forming on his face. He also had the same tattoo except it had a different 5 digit number on it.

He chuckled a bit as he pulled me closer and leaned into my ear "You are going to regret what you just saw y/n"

I was confused as to how he knew my name but was petrified and couldn't even open my mouth. Although I knew I was in some deep shit cause I. Had. Just. Witnessed. A. Man. Getting. Murdered.

Just then I blanked out as everything went black and my body went limp.


I woke up because of my stupid ass alarm who wouldn't stop ringing even on a saturday. Getting up I remembered what happened last night and froze. I was hoping it was just a bad dream and decided to go to my mom and ask her how I came home last night.

She looked at me with a poker face trying to hold in her laughter as she said "Yeonjun dropped you at home. He said he found you passed out on the sidewalk. Did you get scared or something?"

Just as I was about to dismiss that idea the doorbell rang. Lazily walking over to the door I opened it as yeonjun walked inside without warning.

"Good morning y/n"

"Good morning" I said a walked away kinda creeped out from last night still hoping it was all just a stupid dream.

I told both of them that I would go take a shower.

Coming back downstairs I looked for yeonjun but couldn't find him. My mom told me he left cause he had some work. I went back upstairs to my room and noticed a small note on my bedside table. How did I miss seeing that?

The note had a few smudges of blood on it. The note said: You just messed with the wrong people. You shouldn't have interfered in something that wasn't your business and now you're going to have to pay the consequences for it.

What did I just get myself stuck in.


Started: 19th Feb, 2023



This is a work of fiction. Any similarities from any other work or stories are purely coincidental. I do not own any of the characters. This book doesn't have any intention of sexualizing the idols/idols, it is a work of the author's imagination. Thank you!

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