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She was an angel craving peace...

He was a demon seeking chaos...


I thought therapy sessions would help me recover from everything I've faced. Guess no matter how many session I attend it isn't going to change a thing, not even a little. People say you have to learn to move on in life and yet no matter how much I try I can't.

Don't waste your time in anger, regrets, worries or grudges because life is too short to be unhappy

Walking down the sidewalk I decide to go to the park to get some fresh air. Going to the swing sets I sit down and lightly push my swing contemplating if I should ask my parents to shift to another city or country to forget about everything. I don't actually remember everything from my past just a few vague memories here and there, visions I keep getting because of little things that trigger me. But at least I don't get those visions very often.

I look at the time and realize it's already 6:00, so I get up and speed walk all the way home. I quickly enter hoping my mom doesn't realize I came home late and run into my room only to see my mom rummaging through my desk

"Mom, what are you doing?" I ask confused cause my mom doesn't really come into my room unless it's an emergency.

"Nothing darling, just looking for my book. Someone might have misplaced it, it's fine I'll take care of it" She says although she wouldn't be panicking that much for just a book.

"What's the book's name? I might have seen it" I say trying to help my mom.

Just then my sister charges into the room smiling "Mom you can relax now, I found it"

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