We're not meant to be...but I still love you.

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A new begining.

~The Dream~

I'm in a room. I have this short little black dress on and there was someone in front of me. All I could see was a glimpse of brown hair.

"Do I look okay?" I asked that person for some odd reason. They turned around. The light wasn't very bright, so I still could not see it's face.

"Beautiful." But the voice was at a whisper so I could not tell who it was. By the response I was assuming it was a guy.

I stepped forward, so did the person. Again I could not see his face. Our bodies fell in sync. Our lips inches apart. Now I knew it had to be a guy. His breathe smelt amazingly good, it kept me wanting more. Then a soon as we were centimeters from our lips touching. A loud ringing sound woke me up.


My alarm clock woke me from a very vivid dream. I looked at my clock the time read 6:45 a.m. Crap! I was going to be late for the first day of school. I'm sure mom left already and that's why she didn't wake me up. Who could blame her though, she was a single mother working for two children. But we had lots if money, enough to last us 8 years without working. But mom loves her job. I walked into the living room. My brother was sitting in our couch.

"You little twirp. You didn't wake me up now we are going to be late." I said to him. He looked over at me. His brown hair was perfectly shaggy but at the same time neat. He had on some nice blue jeans and a whit polo shirt. He wore a black uniform/tuxedo type jacket.

"Who are you calling little my dear sister? Need I remind you I am a year older than you?" he smirked.

"Yes, but i am smarter. Need

I remind YOU that you failed a grade and that's why your in the same grade as me instead of twelfth." I stated back. I spun around and walked back into my room.

Dane was the closet thing I had to a best friend. Our relationship was different from other brother-sister relationships. We have never fought, ever. We were friends. At our old schools we hung out constantly. I knew that he was the only person that I could trust, besides my mom. And he knew that I was the only person he could trust. He told me about the girls he liked, an he threatened the boys that I liked. So, in a way, we were kinda best friends.

Well I guess I'm Going to be running a little late for my first day at West-bridge High School. Of course it was only my first day. Everyone else started months ago. My mom had moved us here to West-bridge because of her job. She promised it would be our last move until Me and Dane, my brother, graduate. Which would be after next year. Next year I'll be a senior. I was really excited I could actually settle down for once. Maybe make a friend, have a couple boyfriends. This was going to be a good year. I could feel it.

I slide off my 200 dollar silk night shirt and shorts and went and put on a designer dress, that was especially designed for me. It was white and went down to 5 inches above my knee. It had a black belt to go along with it and there was two rows black buttons that went down over each of my...woman parts on the chest. Hey! It's better than saying 'boobs'. Saying 'boobs' sounded so immature. I laughed at my self.

I continued getting dressed. I put on my black 4 inch stilettos. Then I went to take a look in the mirror. And I curled my mid-back length brown hair.

"Belle. You are one beautiful girl. All guys will want you. All girls will be jealous." I gave myself the usual 'New School. New beginning' pep talk. Like I need though.

I looked around the new condo. My new condo. Which would be home for a year and a half. It would be the first time I could call a place home in a long time.

I went and sat on the white leather couch for a minute, just taking everything in. Dane looked at me.

In our living room there was a white fur rug, a plasma screen t.v, and one of Picasso's paintings. The kitchen was right were the living room was, but the marble counter separated them. My bedroom was right next to the kitchen. My door was weird, it doesn't open, it slides open. My brothers room was on the other side of our condo next to mu mothers room. If that makes since. I looked around and finally got up. I walked to the door and stood in the door way.

"Come on Belle it's time for school." my brother said behind me. He walked to the elevator and held it open. Before I walked to the elevator I stopped in the door way.

"Home. My home." I said before I shut the door and headed to school.


Our driver, Liam, drove us to school. He opened the door to me, my brother's, and my mother's limo and we got in. I guess i forgot to mention we are sort of rich. Scratch that, filthy rich.

My mom worked as a fashion designer. She also dressed the people for t.v. shows such as: 90210, Gossip Girl, and many other shows as well.

Liam shut the door and We were on our way. Liam was our driver for 10 years now. I was six when he was hired. He was like a brother to my mom, and a father figure to me. I absolutely loved him. He was the closet thing to a father I had. He was also like a father to Dane.

He slid the window that separated the back seat from the driver seat,down.

"Belle, Dane. You are right on time surprisingly."

I was pretty surprised myself. I was ready by 7:30 and school started at 8:00. It ended at 2:30 p.m.

"We were almost late. Princess over here almost slept in." My brother said. He called me princess when ever I was being spoiled or acted like a princess, which was all the time.

"Yeah, well Donkey over here didn't wake me up." I laughed as well did Liam.

I watched as we pulled out of the parking lot of our 8 floor building, where our condo took up the whole 8th floor. Then no longer than 10 minutes later we pulled up to West-Bridge.

"Belle come on. Its time for a new beginning." Dane smiled at me. I smiled back.

Dane got out first and held his hand out to help me out. I looked at the school. All eyes were on me and Dane. And I looked at the place where I would rule for the next year and a half.


A/n: ahhh my first chapter! I hope you liked this first chapter:) I'm sorry if its knda short. And I'm so so sorry it seems boring right now. But I PROMISE it does get better. It will have many many twist. :) mwahahaha:) so check in for the next chappie. Love you. Become a FAN ; VOTE ; COMMENT!

Oh and her name is pronounced 'Bell' for those of you who don't know

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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