The outcast

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You have been an introvert who everyone knew as "The Outcast" for as long as you could remember. Everybody had made snarky remarks like, "Ew look, it's Outcast Olivia!" Or, "Oh look, it's the outcast." It always made you feel kind of angry, but insecure about your passions. You liked reading about Dragons, Kingdoms, and just fantasy books in general. You always had this one book in mind called "Prince Katsuki and his Dumbass dragon"and thought that Katsuki was over rated. You thought Kirishima was interesting because he reminded you of your only best friend, Elliott who had gone missing the month the book came out. You missed him, he was the only one who didn't think you were weird.

One day you were minding your business while reading your casual "Geeky, Nerd" books when suddenly you felt this sharp jab in the back of your arm,
"Ow?! What the hell was that?!"
You reached back grabbing your arm in the process. You brought your arm back around to your line of sight, and saw blood. You get dizzy at the sight of blood so you got scared and fainted.

You woke up after what seemed like, 5 minutes? It was such a beautiful sight, a midnight purple night sky, fireflies and stars, an earthy smell of dirt and the ocean with a warm breeze?! Who the hell wouldn't want to experience that?! But anyways, you sat up rubbing your forehead because it felt like you landed on your face when you realized,
"Where am I?"
Because you for sure weren't in the library. You didn't think a library had stars or smelled like nature.

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