
772 33 17

Berlin, Germany
December 16, 2063
0956 Hours

The cold wind continued to blow ferociously, causing the snow to be blown roughly to the ground and pile up.

The sound of metal scraping against metal echoed throughout the garage as a man approximately in his early 20's does a maintenance on his exo-suit, doing minor repairs on various parts of it.

While he could just send the exo-suit to nearby military bases and get a new one, he didn't bother doing so as the damages were light and could be repaired even by a normal soldier.

He is no ordinary soldier, though. The man is a member of the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment – Delta, simply referred to as Delta Force.

He's assigned to a special squadron within the Delta Force to deal with the Sangvis Ferri, codenamed Squadron Zero.

The operators assigned on the squadron have been trained to operate alone or with a fireteam, but in most occasions they go with fireteams since their primary objectives are raids and special reconnaissance. There have been times that they go solo, but those missions were rare.

The man's lips curled into a small smile, showing satisfaction of his work. He gathered his tools, placed them back on his case, then puts the case under the table.

He wore his exo-suit and began doing a series of tests on it. He broke rocks, bend metal tubes, and most of all, the thrusters on the back of his suit. The thrusters worked perfectly, and all he has to do is eat his snack and wait for another mission, since his one month leave for vacation ended yesterday.

And he didn't have to wait long.

His phone rang moments later. He grabbed the phone from his pocket, tapped the answer button, and pressed the phone against his ear.

"Hello?" The man said, his voice a bit deep and coarse.

A pause as the one he was speaking to explains what his next mission would be, except it wasn't a mission he would expect.

"Couldn't you find someone else to do it?" The operator asked.

"I'm sorry, but the other Commanders were newly grads and very inexperienced, and others who have been in the battlefield for years were deployed on other bases across Europe where heavy fighting are taking place." The man on the phone explained. "You're more than qualified for the job. I've already sent your files to Griffin. They've accepted you and are waiting for your arrival."

At this point, the operator has no choice but to agree because it was already approved. But there's nothing wrong with that, he thinks it's time for a little change.

"Do I get to fight with them?"

"Of course. What do you expect? Sitting in the office all day until you get fat?"


"Well, paperworks are unavoidable but you can still fight with them." The man said.

The operator smirked. "Fuck yeah."

"They've sent a Blackhawk to pick you up. They should be arriving soon. Gather your things."

"Yes, sir."

"Good luck, soldier." The man said his farewell and ends the call.

The operator began preparing his things, leaving behind those that were unnecessary. He took his service rifle, an M4A1 with a red dot sight, flashlight, and vertical grip. After checking his rifle, he went to the garage, opened the door, and waited for the helicopter.

Thirty minutes later, he heard the chopper slowly getting closer and closer, until it landed seventy meters away from his temporary house, blowing off snow from the ground.

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