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The demons are back. Taking over my mind, my heart, my soul. They come in the form of dreams, of nightmares. I awaken and they seem to come out of my dreams. In the corner, in the closet, under the bed. I know they are just dreams but it's still not a good way to wake up on a Monday morning.

I get out of my purple bed and get dressed ready to take on another miserable day at prison... I mean school. I walk to the bus stop and see a woman standing there. She had dark, hooded black eyes and bright red lips. I stop walking and blink a few times to find that she just disappears like she wasn't even there in the first place. I walk into school and go to my first period class. Social Studies. There she is again. Standing outside of the window of the classroom. Staring at the teacher as if she is trying to learn. A breeze comes and it looks as if she was just blown away in the wind. Gone. Just like that. Trying not to scream in fear I shudder and slump down in my seat not wanted to ever leave the classroom. I glance out the window one last time as the bell rings to dismiss me to my next class and see something else. It looks like something a small child complains about seeing in their dreams. Like the boogie man. What a silly idea. I'm probably over-tired. I get up and decide to head to the nurse to see if I can take a small nap or something seeing as I'm hallucinating.

I lay down on the nurses cot and fall asleep almost immediately. As I begin to dream I see something peculiar. The woman, the same woman I saw two times today is in my dreams. In my nightmare.

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