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But Persepchone knew something was not ok. When she find out that Hades was in love with her step sister she wanted to kill Kika that little Lamia, but when she was about to stab Lamia she heard foot steps and she fastly hided under that study table what Lamia had in her room. It was a nymph she checked if Mia is sleeping, because there was an incident once at night for what she get the Mia and Lamia name. The humans don't know the whole thing thats why they call her Kika,Lamia but some of the nymphs know what really heppend thats why they call her Mia as the gurdian of justice, the nymph saw if Mia is sleeping so she left but it was a mistake. After the nymph left Persepchone stabed her arm, Mia without a sound and without tears pulled out the knife, her arm was bleeding but she didn't caredvshe grabed the knife and stabed Persepchones stomach, Mia knew she will be kicked out from there by Demeter so she grabed her only thing a necklace from her real mom and broke the window.

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