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There is a boy who is sixteen year old and its none other our jungkook who is sitting in a school canteen with his friends they all were talked about where to go this summer vacation

His friends ,RM,J HOPE ,SUGA ,JIN ,JIMIN

RM and Jin are dating
Suga and Jimin are dating
And here our jk and hobi are single

Suddenly jimin said : Guys this time we will go on a adventure trip

Jk and Jin also agreed with him but here j hope who was scared about their plans

Then RM said : Ok guys of you sure then we will go to something adventures I know a place not a beautiful but a mental asylum that's the most danger asylum . One of my friend work there if all you want I can talk to him about we will come there what's say .

Everyone agreed with him

And Jk he was extremely excited about to go there because he always wants to see a psychos

After planned everything they went
to their houses

Next morning

Everyone war ready to go to their destination .They went towards their car and sat in it.

Then RM said : Guys be careful there my friend said to me that there are most dangerous psychos so don't leave each other hands and if someone attack us don't do anything stupid just call the guards .Am I clear?

Everyone said : Yes

They took 4 and 5 hours to reached there The Aslyum was far away from the Seoul it was deep in the mountains hills

After a long journey .They stand infront of the asylum gate Now jk was a little nervous after looking at the asylum and j hope he was hella scared

J hope said : Are you guys sure you wanna go in because I don't think I am able to go inside
He said in a scared voice

Jimin said : Don't worry hobi we are all here with you Nothing wil happen to you
He said in a soft voice to comfort hoseok

They all went towards the gate . A guard com to them and said : Your entry pass .
Then RM gave him the pass .After some walk a man come to RM and hugged him .He wore a white coat that doctors wears

He said : Hello guys I am kai and I work here RM must told you about me .So I think you already know about here but I am telling you for you safety Don't go near any patient and especially not in a patient who is in room 17 . He is most dangerous one here . His name is V . He has OLD befor he come here he was in some lab where many bad scientists experiment him and they treated him like a wolf .They taught him about wolf , mate , so he is like this

So guys this is the first chapter I hope you like it . English is not my first language so if there is any mistakes please ignore it and this is my first story
Have a nice day

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