The Role

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Ive always had an interest to be an actress, a big movie star that everyone knows. Like... Elizabeth Olsen! Ive always loved her, she's been my favorite forever. 

Getting the special treatment that everyone wants. Id love to enjoy an expensive meal and not even have to worry about the 'expensive part.' Being followed around everywhere and getting your pictures taken alllll the time. Maybe even go to a couple premieres. Sorry, I exaggerated that. A LOT of premieres.

Maybe even just being an extra in a crazy movie will be good enough. I've done a couple of those.. they were all super fun and I met a lot of cool people!


February 12th, 2020.

I woke up today as if it was a normal day. When I was finally awake, I checked all my notifications that I got throughout the night. Snapchat..Instagram...Messages...And then I checked my email. I never usually check my email, it is a very rare occurrence. But this morning I did. I was scrolling through the thousands of emails I got but didn't look at the very top one.

I scrolled back up after looking at all the unnecessary long emails from stores. I finally made it to the top and  my eyes were locked on the email. Too scared to open it. It was from Sarah Finn, Marvel Studios Casting Director.

A few months ago, I saw a open audition for the role of 'Nocturne' (Talia) who is Wanda Maximoff's daughter in The Marvel Universe/X-Men. I had no idea what movie it was for, I was super nervous. I had only ever auditioned to be an extra in movies. This was the real deal.

Me and my mom have such a great relationship and she's very enthusiastic about me acting and always wanting to help me with my acting career because she wants me to do great when I'm older.

I immediately ran to my mom who was the only one home at the time. I yelled that I HAD to audition for this film as Talia. Keep in mind, it's still early in the morning and yelling at the top of your lungs to people that are half awake won't go well. So you know, she yells back and says, "WHAT?" in a confused tone. So, I repeated myself. 'I GOT AN EMAIL BACK FROM SARAH FINN THE CASTING DIRECTOR OF MARVEL' By then I had already flew down the stairs and was standing right next to her. She then asked if I was going to do it. I looked at her with my snappy attitude and was like, 'Uh... YEAH?!' We both laughed and hugged. I showed her the email just so she could make sure I wasn't out of my mind.

A part of the email I did not read stated, 'We would love to hop on zoom with you and your guardian to discuss a few things.' And it had a date which was February 12th... TODAY. The time was set for 12:00 P.M. I had no idea if I should be wearing something really formal or just lazy.

I decided to go back upstairs to my room to pick out an outfit because I needed time to decide. I walked into my room and opened my closet doors, scanning for an outfit that was good enough to feel comfy and formal at the same time. I ended up choosing some light grey sweatpants and a tank top that includes a bra. I put the sweatpants over my legs and pulled the up. I struggled putting on the tank top because it was a little small.. I got it on and it ended up being way too booby. So I looked and looked and decided on a black Lululemon shirt. I'm just going to wear my usual jewelry. My white pearly, blue, and purple beaded necklace, flower necklace, bracelets, and my ring. I'm actually pretty hungry rhis choosing an outfit is making me so tired. I start heading downstairs to make some breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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