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Have you ever felt the warmth of someone chest or the wetness of their blood on your hand and arm or the squishyness of their heart in your hand. Have you ever felt the power of holding someone else's life in your hand and with just on pull or the slightest movement of muscles the feeling you could end it. To look in their eyes and be the last face they'll ever see.

I had always imagined that the dread spreading across their face as I pulled out the heart. How neither them nor I believed I would do it until it happened. That's is absolute power and that was my first taste of it.

I had stalked him for hours on end, Studied his schedule and planned. What he had done to me had made me powerless and I wanted to return the favour. What he had done to me hadn't broken me ,it had made me stronger. I didn't shy away from his molesting gaze nor his piercing stare.

I had smiled , nodded and played my part in our game of power until we clashed. In the private section bathroom ,where he tried to pin me in a toilet stall. When I pulled out his heart that still beat in my hand.

I saw the look of shock before his body fell to the floor and started to bleed. His blood ran and splattered as he exhaled his last.

I collapsed on the floor next to his body holding his heart. As the first tears I have ever shed since he raped me fell  from my eyes. I broke down completely and cried myself to sleep in the blood of my rapist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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