-[I saw only wrong.]-

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"Seek the Truth."

The Agency has always been very persistent and selective about which individuals are worthy of our attention and documentation, you do not get easily placed in the spot where we sent Agents out to your location to collect information. This time around, however, since they've been getting better at keeping things under wraps and the atypical nature of this case, I was scheduled a train all the way over to south Vorbeckia, the home of the Insitute of Psychology, an uncannily perfect building. It was not a task that required much manpower, it required patience and careful observation, the former of which I did not really possess, so while getting on the train I at least made sure that I had brought with me enough things not to make me die on boredom while on the job.

At the time I went, it was chock full of identical passengers, all wearing similar white attire and adorning the same neutral focused look, my standard outfit at the time stood out a lot since I kept getting a lot of quick rude stares directed at my way. Not to say that it really surprised me though, the district we were heading toward was an office district, which meant that if you wanted to retain your current occupation, you needed to keep your head down and behave just like the rest of your "model" co-workers. Always hated this place, it simply just went against everything the Agency stood for, no questions were asked about the ethics or treatment of their employees, it was all just a place where authority had quietly taken over these people's lives and had made them their abide by every order they sent out. The Institute was not any different from this, they had their fair share of controversies but any long-running foundation here was bound to have some dirt in its name. This employee though... There was something strange about him.

Antaal Pecten, a fresh employee of the Institute with a shady past. Typically, to land an opportunity to work there is a result of grueling hard work all spent in research hoping you were accepted, that is not what happened with Antaal, though. He just... Appeared in the Institute and was even partnered with one of the most respected Professors the place has to offer! And to think they would let a guy with a criminal past just slip through the cracks. It is just the dead giveaway that there is some serious foul play involved. And just when I was already lost in thought on that train ride, we arrived at my destination.

The station was not far from the Institute, I believe this was by design just to get the workers faster in their destinated spaces, it was convenient enough for me though. The next line of action was to spot Antaal's office, which was tricky enough since all of the ones I could see through the glass building were next to identical. After searching and searching through what felt was a fever dream of a building, I finally spotted his co-worker! I had forgotten his name really... We had briefly met before in the past, I think I called him a nerd or whatever (Because he really was, the biggest nerd I had ever met.) It was surprising I even recognized his ordinary face, without the uniform and those glasses, there is no distinguishing him from any other ordinary civilian, only that ID Badge he has around his neck is what gives him any form of Identity. But that other co-worker over here was the key to this investigation, since he was going to soon enough, meet with Antaal.

Placing myself down on a nice comfortable yet, concealed bench, binoculars in hand, notebook out, I waited for him to arrive... Which... Really did take a long while, I had seen about 50 employees enter the building, and yet not a single one matched the description of this guy! It was the afternoon and he had yet to show up, at the time I thought, he had called sick or whatever, came out all this way for damn nothing! Just as I was scribbling some sketches in my notebook, there he was, in all his disheveled, improper glory. He was not looking the most dapper out of the rest of the employees, he looks as if he had to get out of bed in a hurry or if a hurricane came in and swept him up, ruining that sterile uniform of his. Well, not that I had much to complain about, my target finally after a long time is finally where he is supposed to be. Curious as to how he is even managing to keep this job while being so late...

Regardless of bad time scheduling, Antaal was right where I wanted him, and thus the real observation began. From my findings at the time, Antaal was a very reserved individual, not one to speak much. He must have spoken to his co-worker only once and that was only to say good morning! For the rest of his shift, he just spent time clumsily reading documents upon documents and thus creating this huge unorganized pile! At first, I thought that an awkward guy was trying to steal government information by just peaking at the Institute's papers! But... Something was just off with this conclusion since he behaved almost inhumanly. First off, he almost never blinked which was... a sight to behold, he mimicked his co-worker's movements like if he went to pick up a file, Antaal would copy that motion without picking anything up, and finally, he just... opens and closes his mouth, not to speak or anything but just, randomly opens and closes it! This was no ordinary document thief, he was something else!

Such behavior was not something I could pass not confronting him about! So... When he stepped down from the 4th floor, all the way down to where the benches were, I finally decided to approach him! He looked meek, scrawny up close and when I went to talk to him all casual-like, he just stared at me... I did not even attempt to insult him or anything! He just stared and stared as I talked, was not even looking me in the eyes, rather he had his eyes locked on my mouth movements. The only thing he said was this... strange mess of words kind of like he was talking in my accent! Safe to say that, it did not go down as well as I thought it would.

After that, I really called it a day, it was very late and I thought I had collected enough information on this guy. Just as I was getting my bags to leave, however, a familiar figure begins approaching me. It was... Antaal's co-worker? 

Desmoulins Holgernes was his name...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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-[To those without Faith.]-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang