~Double Date~

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||sorry for any mistakes. I'll fix them later.||


Why is walking to the park so exhausting? "Wait. I need a break." I stated holding my stomach. "No. We can't be late! We're only 2 minutes away." Will says dragging me away from the lovely bench I wanted to sit on. "2 minutes!? How long have we been walking!?" I asked confused on how Will isn't tired of walking. "1 hour" he replied with no emotion at all. "Wha-" I started he cut me off. "Hush. We're here." He said letting go of my wrist. "Hi guys!" Will said running to Dustin and Lucas hugging them. "Hi! Hey Mike!" Lucas said waving. "Hey!" I replied giving both of them a hug. "Okay so...I was thinking we should go on a double date! I know a good place!" Dustin said visibly excited. "Wait so more walking?" I asked hoping we did not have to walk again. "What? No, Lucas has his car." Dustin said holding Lucas's hand. "Oh thank god. I'm exhausted." I stated letting out a heavy breath. "Anyway. Shall we go?" Lucas asked walking to car as we all followed along.

                        Few minutes later

"We're here!" Lucas stated getting out of the car. Dustin, Will, and I following along. We walked into the restaurant and Lucas went and asked for a table of four. "Come on guys, our table is ready." Lucas said leading us to a booth. Dustin and I sat by the window and Lucas and Will sat by the edge. Later a girl walked over to us to take our drinks. "What drinks can I get started for ya?" She asked with a thick british accent. Dustin and Lucas both ordered sprite. "How about you?" She asked Will, as he looked at her. "Water." He said before turning back to me. "Alright. And how about this hottie?" She asked,talking about me when she said 'hottie'. Will slowly turned his head to look at her. "U-uh fruit punch." I said shocked by the name. "Alright. Your drinks will be out soon." She said winking at me before walking away. "What the fuck was that?" Lucas asked while laughing. "I don't even know." I said laughing with Lucas. I looked over at Will and he was NOT happy. "Will." I said putting my hand on his thigh before he pushed it off. "Ooh~ someone's upset." Dustin said in a joking matter. Will didn't say anything he just got up and walked to the bathroom. I was going to go after him but Lucas stopped me. "Let him cool off. Give him some time." He said with a soft tone. "You're right." I said sitting back down.

                           5 minutes later

The waiter came back with our drinks but no sign of Will. She gave us the drinks, and I thought she was gonna leave but instead she sat down next to me really close. "So..do you have a girlfriend?" She asked tracing the veins on my hand with her index finger. Before I could answer Will came and dragged her out of the seat. I started laughing when she fell on the floor. "Don't you have a job to do?" Will asked sitting back down. "Ow! How dare you!? I'm gonna call my dad and tell him what you just did!" She said standing back up. "So I can fuck him and become your stepdad? Great idea!" Dustin, Lucas, and I started laughing hard. The girl gasped and stomped her foot. "You could nev-" Will cut her off. "Shut the fuck up. I lost my appetite. Come on guys." Will says walking out of the restaurant doors the rest of us following. I'm not gonna lie...that was lowkey sexy. We all got in the car and drove back to Will's house.

                           10 minutes later

We were all sitting on the couch in the living room when Eleven and Max walked in. "Then I was like- Oh. You guys are back early. How was the double date?" She asked sitting by Will on the couch. "Oh...the date was the funniest shit ever. Let me tell you what happened." Dustin said sitting up straight.

             After explaining what happened

"Will...I never knew you had it in you. I'm so proud of you." Max says wiping away fake tears. "The bitch was flirting with my boyfriend. I gotta do what I gotta do." Will stated as he shrugged. Gosh he's so hot. "Mike, honey, we can hear you." Eleven said laughing. "You're thinking too loud, love" Will said patting my shoulder, shaking his head. "Oh my god" I groaned as I sunk into the couch covering my face. "He is kinda hot though" Lucas said biting his lip jokingly. I shot up quickly. "He's mine." I said pulling Will closer to me trapping him in my arms. "I don't want him, Mike. I have Dustin." Lucas said before kissing dustin. "Gross." I said faking gagging. "Michael." Will said looking at me. "Sorry. Beautiful!" I said sarcastically doing jazz hands. "Goodbye." Will said getting up and walking out to his room. "Noooo" I said following him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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