Peter's Back

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Chapter 9-

Peter's Back

The three of them pile into Derek's Camaro, ready to lead the Argent's away from the man while he tries to corner the Alpha. They're currently being tailed by a green Kia, so clearly the plan is working.

"Faster?" Scott asks.

Penelope, who is looking out the back windshield nervously, then calls out in annoyance, "Scotty, yes."

Derek's Camaro bullets down the road with Kate still in pursuit, keeping right on top of them. "I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase," Stiles says unhelpfully.

"If I go faster I'll kill us," Scott replies.

"If you don't go faster, they're going to kill us!"

So Scott floors it, sending them careening toward a turn. But Penelope looks through the rear windshield, confused, "They're gone." Stiles glances at the Police scanner in his lap and raises the volume. They hear that Derek is headed into the iron works.

As they drive, Stiles climbs over the divide into the back seat so that Derek can jump straight in. They spin to a stop in front of him where he's crouched behind a forklift. "Get in!" Scott shouts. He makes a run for the car before Mr. Argent begins shooting at them, making Penelope think about why the Argent's were doing this. She didn't know about Derek, but Scott hadn't hurt anybody, so there was nothing to protect anybody from since he wasn't dangerous. But she knew her logic wasn't shared by the horrible family.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott shouts, slamming his hands on the steering wheel as they speed off.

"I had him," Derek growls in annoyance.

"Who? The Alpha?" Stiles leans forward from the backseat, earning a glare from the older man in the front.

He nodded though and explained, "He was right in front of me. And then the idiot police show up."

"Hey, hey, hey, they're just doing their jobs," Stiles couldn't help but say from beside her, and she reached out and pinched the back of his arm lightly, getting his attention, then sending him a glare when he turned to look at her.

"Thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the state," Derek gritted out.

"Can we seriously get past that? Yes, I made a dumbass mistake. I get it," Scott pipes up from the driver's seat.

"How'd you find him?" Stiles asks, but Derek falls silent. "Can you try to trust us for half a second?" Scott continues.

"Yeah, all of us," Stiles adds. Then, at Derek's hard look, "Or just him, but you guys should include Nelly more, she was bitten, too." Penelope smiles at him, rubbing his hand appreciatively at the gesture.

Derek decides to trust them apparently, "The last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."

"Our Chemistry teacher?" The buzzed-cut boy says from beside her.

"Why him?" Penelope asks.

"I don't know," is all Derek responds.

"What's the second?" Penelope leans forward now, she was sitting behind Scott so she tried to stay away from Derek, to stay out of his personal space.

"Some kind of symbol," he pulls out a folded-up piece of paper and opens it to show them a simple photocopy. Scott takes one look and lets out a sigh, Penelope recognizes it instantly, having seen Allison wear it several times now. "What? You know what this is?"

An Unrequested Gift - Teen Wolf Fanfiction (Scott x OFC x Stiles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon