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Not many people remembered the old Steve Harrington. They remembered King Steve, the Steve Harrington who dated Nancy Wheeler and lost a fight to Jonathon Byers, the Steve Harrington who was dethroned by Billy Hargrove as the king of Hawkins High, the Steve Harrington who scraped a pass in high school and started working at Scoops Ahoy, the Steve Harrington who barely smiled or laughed after the fire of Starcourt Mall. But what about before all of that? Before weird things began happening in Hawkins and the Department of Energy lab shut down. Before popularity was the most important thing to him, when he started at Hawkins high and he was only just beginning to find who he was and what he wanted. Nobody remembered that Steve. Nobody but one. Nobody but Eddie Munson.

At one point the two of them had been joined at the hip, never seen apart. They were always whispering to each other, snickering in class, and passing notes to each other. Until suddenly they weren't.

Suddenly Steve hung out with Tommy and Carol and Eddie stuck to the outcasts of the school, who enjoyed metal music and dungeons and dragons. Before long it was as if their friendship had never existed, in fact, if you brought up the idea of Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson being friends they would have laughed in your face.

Steve went through the rest of high school pretending Eddie didn't exist and that worked well for him, until Dustin Henderson burst into the family video store, insisting that Steve and Robin needed to help himself and Max prove his former friend's innocence in the tragic murder of Chrissy Cunningham.


Author's Note:

So I'm back with a new story but for a completely different fandom this time. I'm not completely finished with the marauders but I'm obsessed with stranger things right now, especially Steve and Eddie, so enjoy! the first chapter is in the works and the next update will be the main characters and aesthetics <3 

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