Chpt 11

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P.S before u read i had to change da ages for a certain reason so Jae is 19 and Chris is 20 ok to da story

Jae P.O.V

today is the day either i gt my Breezy or he is gone forever i havent seen or talked to him for 4 days i been practicing so much i juss hope this goes right today in my dads gym exactly at 4 me n Chris will fight i dont want him to leave but i dont spare Love and Fighting

Chris P.O.V

today is da big day it can b da best day of my life or da worst i juss hope i gt my Dopeyy back cuz if i win i will purpose right there infront of wat culd b 1 million people i bought da ring n talked to her mom n dad already n if she says yes she is mine i will promise nt to hurt her anymore i love dis girl she is everything to me she's the smile i wake up to she and she's the air i breath wid out Jae der is no Chris n wid out Dopeyy der is no Breezyy i love her wid all ma heart i feel i need to step up and block out any other girl cuz Jae India Camill Mayweather was made for me

Jae P.O.V

its time me n Chris are about to fight idk how this is gonna work but i hear the announcer annoucing us already

Announcer: ok are u ready for the fight for love?

Crowd: yea

Announcer: ok in dis corner in da purple standin 5'5 at 102 pounds Jae Money Mayweather!!

Crowd: YAAAAAAAAAA JAEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Announcer: and in this corner in da blue standing 6'1 at 122 pounds Chris Brown!!

Crowd: CHRIS WE LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is it da time wer i cnt turn back either i win or i lose if i win i still lose n if he wins i win but if he lose we both lose how can dis b we hav 2 mins before the fight starts n i dnt wanna do it but i hav to wat do i do

Floyd: ok baby girl this da frst round u hav 5 mins to stay in der do all u can use all ur combos and remeber dont breath fast it brings dwn ur energy dont think juss do watch out for his hands n look for his weak spots u can do this juss try wid all ur might u can do this ok and dont talk it takes ur energy juss fight and focus

DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i stand up out my chair n walk to da center of da ring staring at Chris lord nows i dont wanna do this i love him i think im trapped in a Perfect Nightmare like Shontelle says in her song 'if its from you i dont mind hurtin this is my Perfect Nightmare' we stand n look at each other

Referee(how eva u spell it): ok this is a 5 min round of round 1 dont cheat no head buts biting or MMA fight juss duke it out ok now touch gloves

we touched gloves n da bell went off i moved bak n he came forward i hit him wid my combo of Right Jab Left Jab Right Jab Right Jab he came bak wid a left uppercut n right jab so i hit him wid 3 body blows n a right upper cut den he came bak right jab i culd see his nose bleeding already n his right eye swelling n i culd feel my right eye hurting but i had to stay in

i came bak wid 3 right jabs n 5 body blows n befor he culd hit bak da bell rang n i went bak to my corner

Floyd: dat was gud baby girl keep him on his toes like that n u can win this fight juss keep up

Chris P.O.V

not gonna lie Jae is puttin up a fight maybe she dosent want me my nose is bleedin n my right eye is gttin big ha right hand is whoopin ma ass

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