chapter 8

513 18 8

(caution underage drinking and sexual harassment!)

Why did she have to be so loud and obnoxious, amity stared at Luz from across the room observing Luz, who was laughing at what Gus was saying. It annoyed her, but at the same time she liked seeing her not having a care in the world. She wanted to be like that, having fun with her friends not caring what other people thought of her. She couldn't, her parents wanted to shape her into something she wasn't.

Everyday was the same, she would wake up and question life. Life was a funny thing, it's basically just a person living their day all over again until you eventual die. Unless you had money. She didn't like her title, or her life. Everyday was constantly hell, she would try to please everyone and show she's the most perfect daughter in the world, but she wasn't. At least not in front of the cameras.

Luz didn't have to put up a facade, It made her jealous that she could do anything and not to have to check her back for her parents. It made her mad and annoyed, but something about the noceda made her want to be her friend. Her smile and golden retriever personality made her smile, she wouldn't show it though. Her parents wouldn't like it that she hung out with someone "below" their status, but something about the girl made her wanna break her parents rules. She couldn't though, even the thinking about made her heart beat fast.

"Shit, what have you done to me Noceda," She said laying in her bed. Her mother and father were out of town, her siblings also came home from collage since they were in a break. They said they wanted to throw a party, because she needed to take a "break" from school. She didn't want to have a party, but they already told people about it.

It was Saturday, a whole week of school went by. She was at the Owl house sitting at the counter, it was almost time for the shop to close so there weren't people by. Eda was making her a coffee. She hadn't been to the cafe since the day she saw first saw amity. She mostly stayed at home, messaging gus and willow telling them about the party. She mentioned that Skara would make sure that boshca didn't bother them. They both agreed to come, since they haven't to much party's before.

""Here you go kid, it's hot so be careful," Eda said handing Luz her coffee, "Thank you Eda," she said putting down her coffee.

"How been school kid, make any friends," Eda said behind the counter, sweeping the floor. "Yeah schools been great so far, I made two friends, their names are willow and Gus," She said watching Eda sweep.

"Oh I know those twerps, they drop by to get hot chocolate at least once a week," Eda said putting the broom away. "Oh, well i met them on the first day of school, willow gave me a tour of the place," She said, smiling at the memory.

"That's great kid, did you meet any other people there," Eda asked staring at her, "I met a girl named Skara, she's really nice, her other friends aren't though". She thought about amity, she wasn't mean to anyone, but she didn't also stop boshca from bullying people. "Oh yeah I met her, her group of friends come here sometimes, The blonde one is a jerk though," Eda said looking at her, "None of them have gave you any trouble right," Eda asked with a serious look in her eye. She could tell her about boshca, but that would create more problems, so she decided not to tell her.

"Nope, they haven't been a problem with me, i'm trying to befriend one of Skara's friends though," Luz said popping the P.

"That good to hear, Who's the person you trying to befriend though, I hope it's not boshca, She can be a pain," Eda said. "Her name is amity, she can be a little cold at times, but i'm wondering if i can change her," She said smiling at the counter.

Eda raising an eye brow, looking at Luz. "Wait do you mean amity, as amity blight," Eda said tilting her head quizzically. "Yeah do you know her,".

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