Life after tarturus

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Percy's POV
From after the war....
Some how the life in Annabeth has slowly changed, the jokes that made her laugh out seem to be nothing but words, her nights are sleepless or with every second her eyes cloths nightmares tare her apart. She has lost a glow that I would give anything to get back! The knife she held so tightly now is never seen! She doesn't want to fight, she wants to run! She wants the monsters to turn away she wants to be safe but she is never! I have told her time and time again to bring a weapon but she won't. I'm not afraid any more only because if I was she would loose, and I can't loose her!

Annabeth POV
The bars wouldn't budge, I pulled and push and used keys and weapons but nothing seemed to work.
"I can't do it!" I said to Percy! He has been so strong ever since we got back, he has made me want to be tough and strong as nails, but each time I can't and I break down even more from the last time!
"Its OK, go look around." Percy says, calm and collected, sometimes I just hate how he is like this! The Percy before would be throwing something yelling something to get him out of here!
"I can't leave you!" I yell!!!
"Yes you can, go it will be OK!" He says and gives me that if I get put of this and you don't leave I'm going to kill you look. "Go!!" He yells and I run off!
I take a couple of turns and end up running straight into Jason!
"Annabeth, are you OK!!" Jason asks me.
"Yes but.." Before I could finish I here a scream coming from behind me, from.... From... "Percy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream and start running back!
When I get back its just a room with empty cells and and blood! Not just any blood Percy's!!
"Annabeth..." Hazle trys to say something but can't finish! I am already up and running out the other door! As I run, my mind runs faster! What if Percy's dead? What if he's gone? What if... No Annabeth don't think that way he is OK! He wouldnt leave you, he loves you t much! With this idea in my head I ran even faster! The way I was headed only leaded to one room and when I got there it wasnt exactly what I expected!
The room was open and about 10 people were inside! In the middle of the room Percy was laying on the table strapped down and the doctors wee trying to help him but he was fighting!
The others were sitting down or holding this guy back, wait was that, it was Tony stark! I would have stayed consintrated on that but then inherd a scream! Percy he was in pain and was looking blood fast!
"Nooooo!!!!!" I screamed and ran over to him! On man turned around from Percy but with one kick he was flying across the room! The other man that was helping Percy backed away!
"Percy?!" I said as I approached the table!
"Annabeth." He replied in a low voice as I got to him and started in stealing him!
"Its going to be OK! Jason.." I said but realized that he was busy fighting off the big green guy! "Tony!! Get me some water!" He looked at me confused! "Water, now go! As much as you can!" I said and he sped to the other half of the room. By the time he got over here Percy was unstraped but lost consciousness! "Open them up ad poor them on him!" I said and he looked like I was crazy, and I probably was, I askethe guwho almost killed him to help him but I wasn't killing him for doing this to Percy! But he seemed like he wanted percy to be OK just as much as did!
Percy's eyes soon fluttered open but as they did Leo and Piper were being pushed in the room by security!
"Look.." One of the guys said but soon realized what was going on! He looked shalked he looked like he was going crazy but he wasn't.
A second later a different guy walked in. "What is going on?" He asked. He looked around and looked at fury. "Want to explain?"
The fury looked pail I had never seen a person grow whiter so fast. " well..." He said but the man cut him off first. "I told you I wanted them as allies not enemy's! And Thor I thought that is what you wanted to?"
"Yes sir it is!" Thor answered.
"Well then stop! He said and everyone looked scared and they all stopped.
" kids my name is Phil." He said and took a moment. "We need your help! Please without you we will loose, we will die but if we succeed demigods will be safer..." Wait how did he know......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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