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Killua lay down on the top of the apartment complex. He grabbed his gun which he had placed down moments before and looked down the sight. He was there to kill a man by the name of Vermundt Shinx. 

Vermundt was a huge billionaire and was even considered one of the top 50 richest people alive. Many people didn't like him because of the way he 'earned' his wealth. He acquired his wealth by ordering other people to work for him as a form of labour. The people were not payed and one day caused a riot. Vermundt burned down the factory which the workers lived in and blamed it on a malfunction. Many workers died but few survived. They told the world of the story but couldn't prove the allegations true. He was also backed up by his status and wealth. Killua hated these types of people the most.

He had finally found his target. Vermundt was surrounded by 4 bodyguards and was currently eating a sandwich right outside of a restaurant.

"That'll be your last sandwich, Shinx." Killua said and chuckled at his own comment. He pulled the trigger. The bullet flew and hit the victim in the neck. He didn't even have time to react. The bullet was packed with the most venomous poison in the world and was enough to kill the man within 5 seconds. The bodyguards quickly tried to assist Shinx. By the time one bodyguard had felt for a heartbeat, Vermundt died. They looked around at the roofs. Killua quickly got out of their view. He stood up and went to the door which led to the downstairs apartments. He pulled down the handle.

He woke up in a dully-lit room. His body was strapped to a chair and his hands behind his back, covered in ropes. A black hood was placed over his head so he could only make out some light. He heard some footsteps approaching him.

"I see you're finally awake then. Let's get down to business." The voice said.

'Shit!' he thought 'how could I get captured so easily. Me! A world-wide famous assassin!' The man approached closer. He took off the hood covering Killua's head. His face came into view. Killua couldn't believe it. It was Leader Kurapika of the Kurta Yakuza. Kurapika was known for his skill of use with chains and was quite the force to be reckoned with. For a split-second a scared face appeared on Killua. Kurapika chuckled.

"Scared of me, huh? You're the one who took out my forces all those years ago!". Killua knew that Kurapika cared a lot for his subordinates and placed their lives over whatever he wanted. "For that. You shall pay." He said. He lifted the chains in his hand and hit Killua with them. Killua's face turned to the side and some bruising and swelling was visible.

'I need to escape! Kurapika's bad news. And these.. ropes are really tough' Killua thought. He was frantically trying to wiggle out of the ropes.

"Don't. Try. To. LEAVE!" Kurapika said, each word she said was another beat to Killua. Killua analysed the situation.

'My hands are tied behind my back. So is my body. But my legs! They're free!' He thought. He looked down at his legs.

"Looking down!?" Kurapika grabbed Killua's hair and pulled it, making his head come up. "I've got a question for you." He said in a calmer voice now. "Where is 'that'. I know you have it or know where it is. If you cooperate maybe we can negotiate!" Kurapika stopped beating Killua with the chains. Killua looked up at Kurapika. He spat in her face.

"You dare!" Kurapika said and with that he flew his chains at Killua. Killua stood up on his legs, the chair following. He spread out his arms and snapped the ropes. Kurapika's smile turned into a shocked face. He stopped the chains mid-air.

"H- how? You could escape all along?" Killua grinned and let out a bit of oxygen. He sent his fist flying at Kurapika. He ended up punching him in his chest, knocking him back. The only issue Killua had now was the ropes around his waist. He looked for the knot and tapped around his waist. "Got it!" he said and unfastened the rope. He was free now and right in front of a huge enemy.

"I usually don't kill people other than my assignments but.." he said. He got his electricity ready. Sparks flew off of his body. Kurapika watched as a huge spark went off and touched the rope from earlier. The rope split in two from that point. "You've been a real pain in the ass." By now Kurapika and Killua were at least 8 metres away from each other.

'Shit! Killua's this powerful! Sparks! Electricity.. a powerful ability. I have nothing to lose.' Kurapika got his chains and started swinging them around creating a huge breath of air and a handy bodyguard. "Right here, right now! I will kill you Killua Zoldyck!! Your head shall be mine!!" Kurapika swung his chains at Killua. He merely tossed it away. The chains made contact with the ground and split it in two. "Impressive!! That hurt my hand quite a bit!" Killua said. He changed his stance. "My turn." Electrical bolts channeled his power. "THERE'S NO ESCAPING THIS!!" Killua said. He hadn't had this much fun for a while.

He ran up to Kurapika and launched a punch. Kurapika dodged it. Killua got his leg and kicked Kurapika in the side, sending him tumbling into the wall. Kurapika got himself up immediately. His head was bleeding, although it was very mild. 'That was a 40% attack right now. She must be strong! Not many people can even handle 25%. I need to be on guard!' Kurapika brushed himself off. "I've got enough energy to do it!" he shouted. His chains started to get bigger and heavier. 'This power is huge! Not as huge as mine though! I'll finish him off before he gets to use this attack!!' Killua thought. Kurapika launched the attack at Killua. He put his arms in front of him. Due to his extreme fatigue he could not use a full 100% attack. '90%!' he said. The chains were approaching him at a high speed. They then wrapped around his arms and continued to wrap, until they covered his whole body. His electricity flickered and then died. He was unable to move.

"This is a little secret of mine that I only use on my most powerful foes! You should be honoured that I am using this on you! This attack allows me to stop the flow of your ability and also allows it to make you feel fatigued. In addition to this, you can't even break them! This is my ultimate move!! I call it.... Chain Jail!!" Kurapika bellowed. He then chuckled. "If you had just dodged, it would've been tricky to hit this special attack. You have my praises Killua. Never backing down from a fight.

"Now, how do you want to die?"

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