Out of This World

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"Now, how do you want to die?" Those words echoed in Killua's brain, etching themselves into his very cells. He was the world's greatest assassin yet, he's been beat. Even now he was still trying to escape the shackles. Every second he found himself getting more and more fatigued.

"It won't work Killua Zoldyck. This ability's only set-backs that it grants me complete vulnerability. But that doesn't matter, does it? If I sense you even trying to make an advance on me.. you'll be sorry that you ever went to that rooftop." Killua didn't know what to do. Kurapika has had him trapped in this Chain Jail for at least half a minute but hasn't killed him yet?

'He must need me for something. Oh! The item! He thinks I know where it is. That's why he caught me. That's bad but also good. If I can stall for a bit of time.. maybe.. maybe I'll be able to figure a way to get out of here!' Killua cleared out his throat.

"What do you want from me?" He said. For he already knew what he wanted.

"I want the item! Endless power.. and you have it!! You're going to die anyway so give me the item!" Killua opened his mouth to speak. "Well I-". A loud boom was heard. The wall to the right of Killua was no longer there. In its place was a boy, around Killua's age. He must have been at least 5 metres in the air and it looked like he was the source of the wall's destruction.

"Wh-what?" Kurapika said. He was so shocked that he loosened his hold on Chain Jail. Killua tried to pull himself out of the chains but his energy was nearing its limit. "GON!" Killua shouted at him. Gon dropped to the ground. "Way to make an entrance!" Killua shouted. He was still wrapped in chains. Gon ran over to Kurapika and punched him in the arm. For Gon, it was a pretty weak punch but due to the restraints on Kurapika's ability, he was extremely vulnerable. Kurapika loosened his hold on the chains. They loosened enough for Killua to slip out of them. Kurapika launched to the side from the attack. He gagged and in doing so, he spluttered out blood. He was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. He was unable to get up from his injuries and was just barely sustaining his injuries. The least he was able to do was mutter

"Crazy Bitch!" at Gon. Kurapika looked over at him. Gon gestured a thumbs up and laughed. He then turned back to Killua and held a more serious face.

"That's it. After I get you outta here, my debts repayed, got it?" Gon said to Killua.

"Y-yeah." Killua was able to say. He activated his electrical ability. Gon activated his too.

"Let's finish him off, K?" Gon said to Killua. His stance was that of a runner just before a race. His legs were spread out far and his fist was clenched tight. Kurapika was still struggling to get up. He had heavily inflicted wounds and his vision was fading.

'I have no other choice!' he thought. 'If I don't do it.. I die. It's all or nothing! I've never activated this before but my opponents are skilled.' Kurapika interlocked his hands together. A shadowy aura appeared from out of him. Killua was shocked. So was Gon.

'I've never seen this type of ability before. The energy output is incredible! We must be on our guard!' they both thought at the same time. Kurapika then started to mutter a few words. Thu sounded demonic and satanic.

'Is this..' Killua thought. He had studied about this before. This type of deal which required a heavy amount of resolve for extreme power and something equivalent to that in return. After all, the demons were lending him power. Kurapika stopped incanting the words.

'Is.. is it finished?!' Killua was furthest from the right answer. Kurapika shouted a few words. To Gon and Killua, it was indecipherable. The space around Kurapika's body was so.. tormented and warped.

"FORBIDDEN DEMONIC ABILITY: CHAINS FROM HELL!!" he shouted. The chains which were in his hand were fading. In their place, appeared scarlet ones. Kurapika wrapped his hand around them and secured his hold. His mind itself was perfectly fine. He wasn't being controlled by the demon which he asked for power. Kurapika stood up effortlessly. He struck the chains at Killua. Killua moved to the side. He wasn't quick enough. The chains managed to graze the side of his stomach he clutched his side. He felt the blood start to pour out. Gon stood there, motionless.

'What do I do?' He thought to himself. 'Mafia Boss Kurapika's got some scary demonic ability. Killua's out of action. I'm gonna run. I have to!' He ran over to Killua and lifted him up. He carried him on his back and activated his ability. He started running. With Gon's ability, it was easier for him to carry Killua around and to stay mobile.

"NO!!!" Kurapika shouted. His chains grew bigger and started to lace with poison. He attacked Gon. Gon did a somersault and started manoeuvring around Kurapika's ability. By this time he was put of the building and at least 40 metres away. He kept on running and occasionally jumping. Kurapika's chains kept on following him.

'These chains! Their range is incredible! This must be due to the Forbidden Ability. How do I evade them though?!' By now Kurapika was hoisting himself out of the building as well, following Gon suite. Gon didn't know the limit or handicap on Kurapika's demon abilities.. or if he even had one. He just had to keep on running. He looked over at Killua. He was lying there half asleep. Gon thought long and hard he was still trying to outrun Kurapika but he was putting up a heavy fight. He didn't know how long this would go on for.

'Think! There must be a handicap to the demon powers.. there must be.' At that moment he remembered. He remembered the time when he was studying the demonic abilities. Little was known of them and most of that knowledge was surpressed by big bosses or higher-ups. He remembered the time he had broken into the Archive for a little fun. A lot of secret knowledge was held there. He found a book on demonic abilities.

'Demonic abilities have a certain time limit which varies upon the user's willpower and strength.' he thought. 'So all I'd have to do is stall until his demonic abilities crush him!' Gon thought.

'Come to think of it Kurapika's chains have been getting slower. Is my plan working?!' All Gon knew was that he had to keep going. Kurapika was getting agitated. He was starting to feel tired and queasy.

'All this new information in my brain! My estimate is that I only have a minute. I need to catch them before that runs out or this would've all been for nought!!' Kurapika accelerated his abilities. It was the last stretch. He had to achieve his goals. Gon had to keep on anticipating his attacks. It was becoming more and more difficult. Gon tried to dodge an attack but I'm doing so, his leg was heavily damaged. Black sparks seemed to be crackling from the wound.

'Shit! What was tha-' it was almost in an instant. His vision became blurry and started to fall. He must've been 1000 feet in the air, at least. Gon tried to grab hold of himself. To his surprise Kurapika seemed to be having issues as well. His demonic abilities were leaving her body. To Gon it looked like he was screaming but Gon couldn't tell. All he could hear was the air. It felt like it was splitting his ear open. Gon looked down. All he could see was a deep blue. He steadied himself with his last bit of stamina and he dropped into the ocean. He had lost consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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