The sight of him.

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Chapter 1.
The sight of him.

Hi, my name is Brooklyn, brook for short, I am 17 years old, when I was only 8 years old my father left with no reasoning, my mom always said she didn't know why, but for some reason something in me tells me that was a lie. I feel like she knows something I don't.

It was very difficult not having a father around, and my family was struggling, my mom was left with 3 kids, My older sister Layla, Me, and my little brother Dominic, Layla is only 3 years older than me, and my little brother is now 11 years old. We rarely had extra money to go out, but we loved what we had.

My mother calls me down for lunch. "Hey sweetie, Mrs. Nichole wants to know if you can help her mow the lawn after lunch. She said she will pay you 20$". "Yea Thats fine mom" i said, "ok we'll come eat so you can go get it over with" "yes ma'am". We were having leftover white rice and chicken, we have it so often that it gets kind of annoying. After lunch I head over to Mrs. Nicole.

While I was walking down to the house, I saw a moving van. We haven't had new neighbors in a long time. I went to take a closer look. And there he was, the hottest man I've ever seen, he was tall, and tan, about 17 or 18, he had the hottest abs. I'm almost fainted. I had lost track of time, while staring at this beautiful man for like 15 minutes at least. I run as fast as I fucking can to get to Mrs Nicole, still thinking of the sight of him.

Once I got to her small cottage house, with a beautiful wood lining, and a maroon red door. I knocked, and there she was, Mrs. Nicole, gray hair, short, old lady at least 70. She greeted me with warm chocolate chip cookies and some iced peach tea. I walk out to the back to help mow the lawn. Once I finished she passed me my 20$, and I ran home so fucking fast.

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