20 - Clues collapse

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We'd barely arrived in the hall when we heard a commotion in the wings.

Elton stumbled out past us, twisted, and lost his balance as he hit the floor. A second later, Michael landed on him, arms flailing, and punches landing. Then a uniformed policeman grabbed one of Michael's arms, and Dad appeared in time to block a parting shot from Elton.

Elton's shirt was torn, but it was Michael's lip that was bleeding. Apparently, I'd missed the opening fireworks. Another officer appeared in the wings talking into his cell. He closed down the phone and took Michael's other arm. The two officers dragging him ten feet away to the railing of the circular stairs.

Sam arrived with two more officers.

Dad helped Elton to his feet.

"Arrest that man for assault," Elton screamed.

Sam looked over at Michael who was panting by the railing. "I suppose he gave himself that bloody lip?"

"He started it. He had no business going out with my wife."

"You were divorcing your wife," Michael yelled at Elton. "You don't care about her."

"Why don't we all go down to the station and sort this out," Sam suggested with a smile.

"Screw you," Elton replied. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

Clearly Elton did not know Lt. Ferretti like I did. Sam's face was still smiling, but his eyes weren't. "Cuff him. You have the right to remain silent, you . . . ."

"You can't arrest me," Elton said, his eyes growing wide. "I was the one assaulted. What's the charge?"

Sam ignored him until he finished reading him his rights. "How about accessory to mayhem," he suggested, "and after we've connected you to Leslie's murder we can up the ante."

The crowd of actors that had gathered collectively gasped at the accusation.

"You don't think he killed Leslie do you?" I asked, totally surprised.

"Wait a minute," Sam said, rounding on me. "You're the one that put the finger on this guy for being in Portland before Adrienne disappeared. His fingerprints are on her window and he never volunteered his whereabouts on that morning. That puts him on the scene and withholding information. Now you want to defend him?"

"No," I said, taking a step back. "But what links him to Leslie?"

"Nothing yet. We'll just save him his hotel bill until forensics finishes their analysis of the murder weapon. Then I'm guessing he'll be in Portland longer than he intended."

"You're making a mistake."

"You know who killed Leslie?" Sam asked, staring me down.

"Not yet."

Sam turned his back on me. "Take him away," he told the two officers holding Elton. "And bring Mr. Deever along if he's willing."

As police left with Elton and Michael, Melody and I went over to Dad. "Who started the fight?"

"I wasn't there," he said. "I noticed them when I came backstage to congratulate everyone on the great performance. Michael had a surprised look on his face and was already holding a bleeding lip. Then he pushed Elton and lashed out at him. Elton overbalanced and Michael jumped him. Everything I saw was Michael on the attack. Everything except the bloody lip that probably started it."

"I knew Elton was coming here, but he said it was to talk to Michael not to punch him. He really seemed to be looking for clues to Adrienne's disappearance. I don't know why he would provoke Michael."

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