Going home

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Suddenly the nurse walks in the room, " Hello erm we are going to run a couple test on mister Ranboo to make sure he is good to leave and if he's good to go, He can leave after a legal garden signs him out." The nurse said while she was walking towards Ranboos bed, pushing a cart with tons of shots and medical supplies. " do we need to go outside for the test or can we stay in here?" Aimsey questioned while looking at the nurse then the door. " It would be better if you three stepped out of the room for a minute" the nurse said while preparing the tools she has to use to do the tests. The three all say "okay" as they walk out the door. The nurse quickly draws Ranboos blood, takes a couple scans of his chest to make sure everything is ok, and asks Ranboo a couple of simple questions. She finishes cleaning up the wrappers, and puts everything back on the cart and pushes it out the room. " You three can go back into the room." The nurse said as she pushed the cart down the hall into a room where they will run the test. The three began to walk back into the room as they heard a voice behind them. " TOMMY!" Yelled a tall man from the distance, it was Wilbur running towards the three, aimsey and tubbo stopped to see who it was ." Hey will" Tommy said stopping in his tracks to meet Wilbur, " I heard Ranboo was awake, is it ok if I come in?" Wilbur asked looking at Tommy then at Tubbo. " Yeah that's fine" tubbo said as he began to walk back into the room, the other three followed tubbo into the room. Ranboo was still laying there watching cartoons on the Tv that was in the room with him. " Whatcha watching Ranbus?" Wilbur said following behind Tommy into the room. " Loony toons, don't judge your never to old for cartoons" Ranboo said with a slight chuckle, " nobody's going to judge you ran, you have been through enough shit lately" aimsey said as they sat on the couch by the window. Tommy and Wilbur sat beside them, and tubbo sat in the chair beside Ranboo's bed. " How are you feeling?" Tubbo said as he put his hand on top of Ranboo's. " I'm okay for the most part, just a little tired" Ranboo said looking at tubbo. " A LITTLE TIRED YOU WERE JUST ALSEEP FOR LIKE THREE MONTHS MATE?!" Tommy yelled jumping out of his seat, Everyone laughed. " I MEAN COME ON MATE THATS THE ONE THING YOU DONT SAY AFTER WAKING UP FROM A COMA!" Tommy yelled moving his arms like a crazy man. " You alright king" Aimsey laughed while looking at Tommy, " IM PERFECTLY FINE BUT FUCKIN RANBOO ISN'T, MANS IS SLEEP DEPRIVED AFTER SLEEPING FOR THREE MONTHS!!" Tommy yelled turning around looking at aimsey still waving his arms like he just don't care. " alright Tom calm down mate" Wilbur laughed while pulling Tommy back down in his seat. " You know what Tommy I'm going to be tired just to spite you." Ranboo laughed looking at Tommy " Of course you will, You fuckin prick" Tommy said being overly dramatic rolling his eyes and and " flipping his hair" and rolling down in his seat. " Okay drama queen, your act is up" tubbo said giving Tommy a side eye and laughing. " How dare you call me a drama queen I am never dramatic! Meee neverrr" Tommy said doing a weird thing with his hands and being Tommy. " Oh we need to call Phil down here so he can sign Ranboo out." Tubbo said remembering that someone has to sign Ranboo out. " Oh yeah I will text Phil." Wilbur said as he pulled out his phone. " Sooooo.. now what?" Ranboo asked looking around at everyone. " So now, you and tubbo get married, go on a honeymoon, adopt a kid, and live your best life!" Aimsey said as they moved their hands and jesters to the two. " What is y'all's big rush in me and Ranboo getting married?! We aren't even engaged?!" Tubbo asked while look at Ranboo then looking at the three on the couch. " Listen all we are saying is, come on now mates y'all should be ready to get married and have a kid!" Tommy said shrugging his shoulders and looking at aimsey. " I mean he's got a point! You have to take the step or you two will just be like this forever!" Aimsey said with a little bit of excitement. Ranboo and tubbo looked at each other, they were still holding hands before Ranboo pulled his hand away. " I know you three have been pushing it, but I'm going to be completely honest with you three, it takes a lot of courage to make that move, and I'm gonna be honest I don't think I have that courage, I mean so much has happened in the last couple years! Between loosing my sister, and getting shot by my dad! At this point I'm worried if I even got the chance to marry tubbo, someone or something would ruin it.. that's just my luck lately." Ranboo said looking down like he would to his parents, while fidgeting with his fingers. " honestly Ranboo..." tubbos sentence got cut off by philza walking through the door. " Get y'all's shit we're leaving" phil said as he saw that everyone was in a down mood. " Is everything okay?" Phil asked looking at Ranboo. " Everything is fine Phil! Let's just go home." Tubbo said forcing a smile on his face. Moments later the nurse came in to take out all of the medications Ranboo was connected to. She walked over to the bed and carefully pulled out everything he was connected to and put it on the cart. " Your good to go! Have a nice rest of your day!" The nurse said as Ranboo got up, the nurse waved the guest goodbye. They all walked down the hall, to the elevator, and down the elevator, to the car. The car ride home was completely silent. But the silence was broken, " Okay what's up? Why is everyone upset all sudden? Everyone was just happy Ranboo is awake! What happened that made you all so upset?" Philza broke the silence asking everyone while looking in the above mirror to see everyone. " Tubbo what's wrong mate?! You were so happy?!" Phil continued asking, " NOTHINGS FUCKIN WRONG PHIL! READ THE ROOM OBVIOUSLY SOMETHING IS WRONG!" Tubbo snapped. What pissed him off so badly? " Mate there is no need to yell. I was asking because I can't read y'all's minds. What's wrong?" Phil asked again but in a softer tone. " is it because.." Ranboos sentence got cut off. " OBVIOUSLY RANBOO! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" Tubbo snapped again, did it really upset him that much? Why did it upset him? The rest of the car ride was silent. Once they got home they all got out of the car and walked inside. Ranboo and tubbo walked upstairs while everyone else stayed downstairs. Ranboo went up the stairs and into tubbos room, tubbo followed behind, and slammed the door behind him. " WHY ARE YOU SO UPSET?" Ranboo yelled " FINISHING OFF WHAT I SAID AT THE HOSPITAL. MAYBE RANBOO THE WORLD DOESN'T WANT US TOGETHER! MAYBE IT THINKS THAT THIS SHOULDN'T BE A THING! OBVIOUSLY IT WOULD BE BETTER IF WE WEREN'T TOGETHER!" Tubbo yelled on the top of his lungs trying not to break down in tears. " IS THIS REALLY WHAT YOUR UPSET ABOUT?!" Ranboo asked In a upset voice. Tubbo didn't answer, " is this really how you want it?" Ranboo asked starting to cry a little bit, " I'm sorry Ranboo it's just for the better.." Tubbo said breaking down, " How is it for the better?! What is good about this?! Adding more shit that has happened?! We have been through so much and this is what's ending it?!" Ranboo barely got out, " it's just for the best, everything bad that happened.. happened because you were with me! IM THE PROBLEM!" Tubbo got louder, " WHERE THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GO?! I GAVE AWAY EVERYTHING BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE WITH YOU! I SOLD MY HOUSE! EVERYTHING IS GONE! I PLANNED ON SPENDING THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU! I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO!" Ranboo yelled as loud as he could. At this point everyone downstairs could hear what was going on. " WELL MAYBE.. I DONT KNOW I JUST FEEL BAD IM RUINING YOUR LIFE!" Tubbo yelled " FINE! IF THATS HOW THIS STORY ENDS! GOODBYE! HAVE A GOOD LIFE!?" Ranboo yelled, neither of the two could control their tears, they were both sobbing. Ranboo didn't even grab any of his stuff he just got up and opened the door. " well I guess this is goodbye." Ranboo said standing in the door frame, " Goodbye Ranboo..." Tubbo said as he got up and pushed Ranboo out of the door frame, and slammed the door. Ranboo ran down stairs to the door. " WOW HANG ON WHATS GOING ON!?" Phil got up from the couch and stopped Ranboo from walking out the door. " this is how he wants it, I'm not going to force him to do anything." Ranboo said silently crying, and he walked out the door, it was pouring down rain. " RANBOO WAIT!" Tommy yelled, Ranboo began to walk away from the house. " MATE COME BACK! WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO STAY?!" Philza yelled. He was gone... They shut the door and ran upstairs to tubbos room, and busted the door open. " TUBBO WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!" Phil yelled while looking at tubbo sitting on his bed curled up with a stuff animal Ranboo won him at the town fair. " mate why did you end things with him?" Phil said as he shut the door and sat beside tubbo on his bed, and put his arm around him. " I was ruining his life phil.... Everything that bad happened was because he was with me... every.... Single.. time, I felt bad.. so told him it was better off if we weren't together." Tubbo said shaking and crying into the stuff animal. " listen tubbo, yeah bad things happened when you two were together, that doesn't mean you were ruining his life. You breaking things off with Ranboo probably hurt him more then anything else, besides his sister, you were probably his favorite person tubbo. And ending things with him, You two were together for five years, FIVE years tubbo most people don't even make it to a year. So five that proves you two are soulmates. You need to go find him" Phil explained to tubbo. " your right Phil... I can't imagine how life without Ranboo is..." tubbo said as he was still crying but stopped to were he could pull himself together and go find Ranboo before anything else happened. He got up and cleaned up a bit before running downstairs and out the door to find Ranboo.
It was still pouring down rain but tubbo had a umbrella. He began running around town looking for Ranboo. Finally he got to Ranboos parents house to see if he was there. He opened the gate and ran the the front door. He knocked on the door until someone opened the door. Who was it? tubbo was still looking down because he was nervous, " IM SORRY TO BOTHER YOU BUT... DO YOU KNOW WHERE RANBOO IS?" Tubbo said as he began to cry again. " Tubbo..." a familiar voice said..... Tubbo looked up, " RANBOO!" Tubbo hugged Ranboo, " LOOK IM SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN ANY OF THAT! I CANT IMAGINE A LIFE WITHOUT YOU! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I WAS SO UPSET BETWEEN ALL THE STRESS TOMMY AND THEM PUT ME UNDER WITH ALL THR MARRIAGE QUESTIONS, AND BLAMING MYSELF FOR EVERYTHING, I DIDN'T THINK STRAIGHT! PLEASE I DONT WANNA END THINGS! I WANNA BE WITH YOU!" Tubbo said crying as he let go, while looking at ranboo. " Tubbo.." Ranboo said in a low voice " PLEASE, I MEAN IF YOU DONT WANT TO THATS OK! I JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW.." Tubbo got cut off " TUBBO... I forgive you, I don't wanna end things either" Ranboo said pulling tubbo into a hug. " I love you Ranboo" Tubbo said crying, " I love you too tubbo" Ranboo said also beginning to cry.

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