Chapter 3

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After my dad left, I felt scared he would come for me. I began to get sick often and was always tired. My mom sent me to a therapist who specialized in abandonment. Her name was Elise Endrow. She told me I could call her Elise. We talked everyday, and things got better. I gained more strength and a better immune system. I began to eat regularly and was doing better in school.

Elise discovered that I felt my father abused me because he thought I was worthless and didn't want me. Which was true. But she helped me get past that. She told me it wasn't my fault. That he thought that because he was the one who was worthless. He had his own problems beyond my control that caused him to be so horrid.

I wanted to believe her with all of my heart. I had to force myself to think that at first, but it made sense after thinking about it. One year later, I was entirely cured. However, I still continued to see Elise once a week. She helped me through each of my problems, big or small, happy or sad, good or bad. She was always there.

Elise was a short old lady with wrinkles and white hair. She had eyes like pearls, smooth and beautiful, the color of the sky. She wore sweaters and jeans everyday, even in the summer. She was sort of like family to me. I felt safe with her, and trusted her. She never yelled at me and always cared what I had to say. Her expression never turned angry, even when I yelled at her on occasion where I yelled just to yell.

I could only go to her with my problems. I felt she was the only person in this world I could trust. My mother knew nothing about my troubles, and back then, I didn't have any close friends to tell. Elise understood me and was my first true friend.

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