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"You okay" Doctor strange asked.

Princess nodded her head and babbles in baby talk.

"You know it's not my first weird trip kid"

Then they looked around the multiverse of another earth.

"So this is New York in the multi..." then he threw up in a near by trash can.

"Yep, there it is" he looks down to see princess tugging on the cape then she points to a sign that shows, their in Los Angeles.

"Oh los Angeles" then the cape tries to wipe his face, "cut it out" he pulls it off to see the large gash.

"Yeah, you got pretty dinged up" then he puts it back on.

"We'll get you fixed"

Then he goes back to princess.

"All right kid, you gotta open a portal and get us back there right now, you just did it, let see if you can do it again"

But then he made a realization: he was talking to a baby.

Cause all she did was looked at him, babbling baby talk.

"Ugh of course, your just a baby you probably don't know how, wong and your family is back there alone with Wanda who probably doesn't know how to handle her"

Then he bends down to her, "look you create that portal" he draws a circle with his finger in the air to show her, "and I'll help you get your family back, right now I'm the only hope he has"

But all he saw was her looking confused, "huh" she tilt her head to the side.

"Ugh you probably don't know what I'm talking about" then he gets up.

"You must be able to control it somehow"

Then he saw how scared she looked, "that's okay kid, and even if you could get me back there I have no way of fighting wanda"

Then he gets an idea, "we need to find other other me"

Down in the city, they wandered around the multiverse of Los Angeles.

Then suddenly princess stepped on something, "memory lane"

Both strange and princess were surprised then saw princess was getting scanned.

"Replay your significant memories, now at a discount price, we remember so you don't forget"

Then it played a memory of when she was first born.

Strange turns to see in a hospital bed, a white female cat was holding a baby kitten.

Her fur and skin was burnt off and she only had a few hours to live, princess was barely breathing but when she saw her mom she smiled.

"Shh shh it's alright little one" her mom, Carmella tries to calm her down.

Then she saw Thomas came in, running he looked worried and he had a scar on his face his clothes still burnt.


He sat down next to her, "Come meet your daughter"

THE BAD GUYS IN: the multiverse of madness Where stories live. Discover now