Thea Hargreeves had already experienced loss in her short life, but her family was something she was determined to keep together and close to her heart. No matter what.
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"The things that really change the world, according to Chaos theory, are the tiny things. A butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of Europe."
A soothing hand ran through thick, dark curls, attempting to impart any semblance of comfort. Thea stared down at the sight of her distraught sister; at the red eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, the ruffled clothing from a night spent travelling with a broken heart.
She sighed, unsure of what to do.
How had this happened? Just when Thea had been convinced that their time here could be positive, she was woken up by the slamming of the bedroom door and a grief-stricken Allison collapsing onto her bed. Thea had blearily stumbled from her own bed and into her sister's, trying to understand what had triggered such distress.
It seemed that their un-adoption had caused further casualties than they could have initially expected. Thea had never anticipated this.
How could she have been so blind? To have not taken this possibility into consideration? She was the one person with a power bordering on clairvoyance and she couldn't have foreseen this? What was the point in having unlimited mental potential if it was given to someone stupid enough to lack logical reasoning?
Stupid, Thea. She thought darkly. If you would have only taken a step back from your own silly issues for one second you would have realised that there were much bigger things at stake.
"I should have known..." Allison murmured, eyes staring far off into the distance. "I knew the risks involved...yet still..." Her words were slurred as she attempted to withhold her cries. Thea continued to stroke her hair, unsure of what to do.
"It's not your fault, Ally." She whispered lowly enough to avoid waking up their neighbours.
The sky outside was blanketed in darkness, the moon a singular point of light in the blanket of darkness. The opposite bed that she had been sleeping in remained empty from any other signs of life. It had caused her some anxiety over Vanya's whereabouts, but she trusted her sister to look after herself.
"But it is," Allison said, still staring into the darkness like she wasn't ready to face reality. "I knew something could go wrong if we risked coming back...and I took that risk, anyway." She sniffed, pushing her face further into the pillow. "I thought it was worth it to be with Claire."
"You couldn't have known," Thea argued, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She moved a little so that she lay beside her sister more comfortably. Allison was so cold, likely from spending the entire night travelling. "You were making the best decision for your daughter. As a mother."