TF1 Chapter 1: What a day...

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{We ended getting the Camero which was a total score and now are driving back home, and I noticed the Car needed to be cleaned...}

Sam: Hey you good, seemed a little out of it back at the dealership?..*Asked my Brother I gave a smile and a nod*

Boston: Come on Sammy I'm fine as a kite, just weird day is all..Hey im gonna get our car cleaned up, so don't worry about me cool?...*Sam sighed and nods and gets and heads inside our house and I get out and took my shirt off and put on a tank top*

Car Radio: [whistles sounds] *I couldn't help but giggle once I got the cleaning supplies needed I set them down and got a bucket of soapy water ready*

Boston: Alrighty big guy..lets get you cleaned up, first the outer exterior..*As I get to cleaning the car, I felt it shudder as I cleaned it up, which was really weird, once I cleaned up the exterior and moved onto the interior and cleaned up there once done with cleaning the entire car I stand in front of it, Happy at my work* Damn am I good or am I get..*smiles then my phone rings I sighed and picked it up and pushed the okay button* Who is it?!

Mikaela: Hey Bos it's me Mikaela! Was wondering if your still coming down to Trent party down by the lake..*I sighed and looked at the time and nods*

Boston: Yeah I'll be down, gonna have to bring my Brother along, but I'll be there M! *I told her and hanged up and sighed with groaning*...Hate party's especially with that hot headed douchebag Trent...*seats on the hood of the car* at least you look great, but it feels good to..*The again shudders in response* Your a unique car you know that..hmmmm...*leans back a bit* Your gonna need a name, let's think....*Thinks for a second maybe a minute* Got it!, how about Bumblebee..think it suits you with the color and the car ornament on the rear view mirror?.

Car Radio: [I like it, thank you thank very much!] *I laughed at it's response*

Boston: Well good..*Sighs and gets up* Well gotta get ready for the party I guess...*Heads inside the house to get ready* Oi Sammy!, come on get your butt ready!...*Gets to the car with my outfit for today*

 Car radio: *Plays more whistles sound I a chuckle*

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Car radio: *Plays more whistles sound I a chuckle*

Sam: *comes over after having a talk to dad about "family grass"* not bad Bos, dang it looks completely brand new and shiny!

Boston: Hey man I know how to make look here your driving am I gonna snooze in the back..*Tosses the keys to him, Sam chuckles catching the key's as I hope in the back and lay down on*

Sam: Oh..uh I'm bringing Mile's*I groaned and glare at Sam* I promise he'll be chill and won't flirt with you promise!

Boston: *sighs* Okay but if he doesn't kicking him in the groin no hard feelings...*Sam laughs nervously as he starts the car and closes the door and drives off to pick up Miles*

~After picking up Miles and heading down to the public lake where the party is being held~

Miles: Dude your lucky, Boston was invited man...saved our rears today..*Leaning against the seat*

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