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Elizabeth Zoe

Elizabeth- Boss bitch

Kenma Kozume 

Kenma- Hello Kitty

Hitoka Yachi

Yachi- Sweet but psycho

Kiyoko Shimizu

Kiyoko- Bubblegum bitch

Tetsuro Kuroo

Kuroo- Teeth


Elizabeth Zoe and Kenma Kozume 

Elizabeth and Kenma- Loser

Elizabeth Zoe and Hitoka Yachi

Elizabeth and Yachi- Ice Cream

Elizabeth Zoe and Kiyoko Shimizu

Elizabeth and Kiyoko- How you like that

Elizabeth Zoe and Tetsuro Kuro

Elizabeth and Kuroo- Let's not fall in love 


Tetsu Kaori Kuroo

Tetsu- So what

Elizabeth and Tetsu Kuroo

Elizabeth and Tetsu- Baby mine

Tetsuro and Tetsu Kuroo

Tetsuro and Tetsu- You'll be in my heart

Izabel and Tetsu Kuroo

Izabel and Tetsu- Just dance

Kiyoko Shimizu and Tetsu Kuroo

Kiyoko and Tetsu- Stronger

Kenma Kozume and Tetsu Kuroo

Kenma and Tetsu- Video game


Izabel Kaoru Kuroo

Izabel- Poker face

Elizabel and Izabel Kuroo

Elizabeth and Izabel- Unstoppable

Tetsuro and Izabel Kuroo

Tetsuro and Izabel- Piece by piece

Tetsu and Izabel Kuroo

Tetsu and Izabel- If we have each other

Hitoka Yachi and Izabel Kuroo

Hitoka and Izabel- Carry on

Kenma Kozume and Izabel Kuroo

Kenma and Izabel- Its alright

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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